Index to First Lines:
A carrion crow sat on an oak
A diller, a dollar
A farmer went trotting upon his grey mare
A frog he would a-wooing go
A gentleman of good account
A little cock sparrow sat on a green tree
A long-tailed pig, and a short-tailed pig
A man of words and not of deeds
An apple pie, when it looks nice
A nick and a nock
An old woman was sweeping her house
A pie sate on a pear-tree
Around the green gravel the grass grows green
As I walked by myself
As I was a-going by a little pig-sty
As I was going o’er Westminster Bridge
As I was going to sell my eggs
As I was going to St. Ives
As I was going up Pippen Hill
As little Jenny Wren
As soft as silk, as white as milk
A swarm of bees in May
A was an apple-pie
A was an archer, and shot at a frog
Baa, baa, black sheep
Barber, barber, shave a pig
Bat, bat
Bessy Bell and Mary Gray
Billy, Billy, come and play
Bless you, bless you, burny-bee
Blow, wind, blow! and go, mill, go
Bobby Shaftoe’s gone to sea
Bow, wow, says the dog
Bryan O’Lin, and his wife, and wife’s mother
Bryan O’Lin had no breeches to wear
Buttons a farthing a pair
Bye, baby bunting
Charley, Charley, stole the barley
Cherries are ripe
Cock a doodle doo
Cold and raw the north wind doth blow
Come, let’s to bed
Come, take up your hats, and away let us haste
“Croak!” said the toad, “I’m hungry, I think”
Cross patch
Curly locks! curly locks! wilt thou be mine?
Cushy cow bonny
Cut them on Monday
Daffy-down-dilly has come up to town
Dame Trot and her cat
Diddle diddle dumpling, my son John
Ding, dong bell
Dingty, diddledy, my mammy’s maid
Doctor Faustus was a good man
Doctor Foster went to Glo’ster
Early to bed, and early to rise
Elizabeth, Eliza, Betsy, and Bess
Elsie Marley is grown so fine
For every evil under the sun
For want of a nail, the shoe was lost
Four and twenty tailors went to kill a snail
Gay go up and gay go down
Girls and boys, come out to play
God bless the master of this house
Good people all, of every sort
Goosey, goosey, gander
Great A, little A
Handy-Spandy, Jack-a-dandy
Hark, hark
Have you seen the old woman of Banbury Cross
He loves me
Hector Protector was dressed all in green
Here a little child I stand
Here comes a poor widow from Babylon
Here’s Sulky Sue
He that would thrive
Hey! diddle, diddle
Hey ding-a-ding
Hey, my kitten, my kitten
Hickety, pickety, my black hen
Hickory, Dickory, Dock
Higgledy piggledy
Hot-cross Buns!
How do you do, neighbour?
How many miles is it to Babylon?
Humpty Dumpty sate on a wall
Hush-a-bye, baby, on the tree top
Hushy baby, my doll, I pray you don’t cry
I am a gold lock
I do not like thee, Doctor Fell
If all the world were water
If I’d as much money as I could spend
I had a little castle
I had a little hen, the prettiest ever seen
I had a little husband
I had a little moppet
I had a little nut tree, nothing would it bear
I had a little pony
I had four brothers over the sea
I have seen you, little mouse
I like little pussy, her coat is so warm
I’ll tell you a story
I love my love with an A, because he’s agreeable
I love you well, my little brother
In Egypt was a dragon dire
In marble walls as white as milk
I saw a ship a-sailing
I saw three ships come sailing by
Is John Smith within?
I will sing you a song
Jack and Jill went up the hill
Jack Jingle went ‘prentice
Jack Sprat
Jack Sprat could eat no fat
Jack Sprat’s pig
Jacky, come give me my fiddle
January brings the snow
Jenny Wren fell sick
Jocky....and a whole let more
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