Tuck, Ginger and Minnie are three cats living a sweet life on a quiet farm. But catastrophe strikes with the arrival of two HORRIBLE humans: Mr & Mrs Pong!
When Ginger and Minnie go missing, scaredy-cat Tuck sets off to find his friends - and that's when the adventure really begins...
Cats Undercover will take you to an incredible world of secret agent catbots, savage sewer rats, puddles of poodle piddle and even an audition on Kitten's Got Talent.
But can anything prepare our feisty felines for the Pongs' perilous plans back on the farm?
[**WARNING** Read this book if you dare, but fasten your seat belt first!]
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"Cats Undercover is every bit as snarky, funny and filled with rhyming and alliteration as the first book. Buy it for the middle-grader in your life and then read it yourself." - pop.edit.lit
"A great read for middle graders who enjoy language play, funny adventures and, of course, love cats!" - The Children's Book Council of Australia
Cats Undercover is the follow-up to the best-selling comedy Cats On The Run. It's a treat for fans of The Bad Guys, Bad Kitty, Klawde, Geronimo Stilton, Percy Jackson, Serafina, The Kid, Real Friends, Dork Diaries, Max Crumbly, and the Warriors series.
Purrfect for ages 8 and upwards, this is crazy cat comedy at its best.
Begin the adventure today!
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