Creative Image Transfer—Any Artist, Any Style, Any Surface

Creative Image Transfer—Any Artist, Any Style, Any Surface
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16 New Mixed-Media Projects Using TAP Transfer Artist Paper

مشارکت: عنوان و توضیح کوتاه هر کتاب را ترجمه کنید این ترجمه بعد از تایید با نام شما در سایت نمایش داده خواهد شد.
iran گزارش تخلف

فرمت کتاب


تاریخ انتشار



Lesley Riley


C&T Publishing


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برای مطالعه توضیحات وارد حساب کاربری خود شوید

نقد و بررسی

Library Journal

June 15, 2014

Transfer Artist Paper (TAP) is a polymer-coated paper that allows artists to print, draw, or paint a design and transfer it to a different surface via the heat from a household iron. Though it was originally intended for use on fabric, TAP can be applied to a variety of surfaces, including paper, metal, wood, and glass, making it a versatile tool for mixed-media crafters and scrapbookers. Riley, who invented TAP for her own work, curated this collection of 16 projects using the paper in a variety of ways--including art quilts, a handmade journal, printed boxes, and a flour-sack towel impressed with a family recipe. Each of the contributing crafters has a different approach to TAP, demonstrating the wide variety of applications, from simple image transfers to layered pieces of art. Though a basic overview of working with TAP is included, Riley's first book, Create with Transfer Artist Paper, presents more extensive instructions. VERDICT The diversity of these projects will appeal to mixed-media crafters, and the directions are simple and beginner friendly.

Copyright 2014 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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