Wanderlust Quilts

Wanderlust Quilts
افزودن به بوکمارک اشتراک گذاری 0 دیدگاه کاربران 3 (1)

10 Modern Projects Inspired by Classic Art & Architecture

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تاریخ انتشار



Amanda Leins


C&T Publishing


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نقد و بررسی

Publisher's Weekly

August 3, 2015
Leins studied to be an archeologist before turning to quilting, moving from ancient fabrications to modern fabrics. This book of 10 projects—including bed covers, runners, and pillows—is inspired by ancient architecture. Leins creatively pays homage to the aqueducts of the Coliseum, the inner dome of the Pantheon, or the cobblestones on a street; if it weren’t for the photographs and explanations of the original sources, it might be difficult to see how Leins developed each design, but a comparative look between the rock-hard origin and her soft product immediately clarifies the links. “Flowing Fabric” honors the caryatids on the Erectheum; “Layered Conversations” draws on heaps in old urban landscapes. Leins’s goals include showing that people all over the world, then and now, exploit “the same language of pattern,” including catenary arches, herringbones, and squares within squares. The book includes two pull-out patterns in addition to the detailed instructions and experienced tips. The long-arm quilting on her designs is exquisite but presented without comment.

Library Journal

September 15, 2015

Quilting blogger Leins has a background in archaeology, and her first book-length collection of quilt patterns draws its inspiration from the art and architecture of the ancient world. Many of the hallmarks of modern quilting are featured, including asymmetry, creative use of solids, bold color choices, and improvisational technique. Some quilts are even more experimental, such as "Flowing Fabric," inspired by the draped garments on a classical sculpture, which resembles a wing with its scalloped edge, and "Going Places," influenced by the clamshell pattern of a European cobblestone street. Leins also works with traditional piecing, used to great effect in the courthouse steps-style "Layered Conversations," with its echoing colored strips. Several projects showcase Leins's longarm quilting skills, with elaborate motifs filling the abundant negative space. A variety of techniques are used, including applique, curved piecing, Y-seams, and improvisational piecing. The directions are thorough, and tips and diagrams are provided throughout. VERDICT There's a glut of modern quilting books out there, but Leins's eye for detail and clever construction makes this one stand out.

Copyright 2015 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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