The Age of Turbulence

The Age of Turbulence
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تاریخ انتشار



Alan Greenspan


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نقد و بررسی

AudioFile Magazine
The former Fed chairman takes listeners through his career in government and finance and then tackles the big issues of the day, including energy supply and use, global finance, the rise of China and India, the change to a service economy, and what they all mean for the future of the U.S. Greenspan himself reads the introduction; obviously, he is no stranger to public speaking. The bulk of the text is then smoothly offered by Robertson Dean. At a steady pace he covers one complex problem after another with a warm delivery that keeps one listening, perhaps even re-listening. The abridgment is seamless; one wonders what was left out. J.B.G. (c) AudioFile 2008, Portland, Maine

Publisher's Weekly

September 17, 2007
Greenspan offers a revealing yet monotonous look at the inner workings of the Federal Reserve and his career. Beginning with his childhood in Manhattan, where he learned percentages by memorizing Yankee batting statistics, Greenspan relates his tremendous passion for economics and politics that propelled him to become chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve for nearly 20 years. While various tales about his often-troubled relationships with former presidents and their administrations will appeal to history buffs, the material is presented in a manner that makes the narration long-winded and dreary. As a biographical work, narrator Dean has little room for lyrical improvisation, and his solitary voice drones. An endless spew of facts and figures takes away from the more interesting aspects of the book, such as Greenspan's criticisms of the Bush administration and the war in Iraq. While his pitch and clarity is perfect, Dean's voice becomes nagging and repetitive. It's disappointing that the author-read introduction included in the abridged audio version is not used here to provide a brief change in tone. The uninspired text and dialogue makes listening a tedious exercise by the halfway point. Simultaneous release with the Penguin Press hardcover.

Library Journal

January 15, 2008
Greenspan, best known for his long tenure as chair of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board (the Fed), shares with listeners the story of his life, albeit in a rather reserved fashion, and his craggy wisdom and insights into the state of today's global economy. Greenspan divides his material into two parts. In the first part, he offers a fascinating look into his early youth in New York, budding musical talent (on clarinet and saxophone) during the big-band era, lengthy formal education at New York University, and, most important, unique insider's perspective on the Fed during his tenure. In the second part, he includes his analysis of today's current affairs and global economy, revealing his view of the universals of economic growth, his perspective on the economies of today's major countries and regions of the world, and his take on how current economic trends will play out in the future. The deep bass narration by Robertson Dean nicely fits the seriousness of the material, although some listeners may need a few moments to adjust to the monotone delivery. The scholarly, densely packed style of the material may also result in calls for the best-selling hardcover edition. Nevertheless, this is highly recommended for larger public libraries and academic libraries supporting a business and economics curriculum. [Penguin Audio also has a version available: 9 CDs. abridged. 11 hrs. 2007. ISBN Dale Farris, Groves, TX

Copyright 2008 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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