Electrochemical nanotechnology : in-situ local probe techniques at electrochemical interfaces

Electrochemical nanotechnology : in-situ local probe techniques at electrochemical interfaces
افزودن به بوکمارک اشتراک گذاری 0 دیدگاه کاربران 5 (0)

Local probing of electrochemical processes at non-ideal electrodes
Electrochemistry and nanotechnology
Imaging of electrochemical processes and biological macromolecular adsorbates by in-situ scanning tunneling microscopy
Beyond the landscapes : imaging the invisible
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Electrodes with a defined mesoscopic structure
In-situ stress measurements at the solid/liquid interface using a micromechanical sensor
Surface structure and electrochemistry : new insight by scanning tunneling microscopy
STM and AFM studies of the electrified solid-liquid interface : monolayers, multilayers, and organic transformations
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New aspects of iodine-modified single-crystal electrodes
Growth and the surface properties of polypyrrole on single crystal graphite electrodes as studied by in-situ electrochemical scanning probe microscopy
Nucleation and growth at metal electrode surfaces
STM studies of electrodeposition of strained-layer metallic superlattices
STM studies of thin anodic oxide layer
Local probing of electrochemical interfaces in corrosion research
Morphology and nucleation of Ni-TiO b2 s LIGA layers
SPM investigations on oxide-covered titanium surfaces : problems and possibilities
Electrochemical surface processing of semiconductors at the atomic level
In-situ electrochemical AFM study of semiconductor electrodes in electrolyte solutions
In-situ STM and electrochemical UHV technique : complementary, noncompeting techniques
Growth morphology and molecular orientation of additives in electrocrystallization studied by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
Instrumental design and prospects for NMR-elcetrochemistry

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