Current Techniques in Canine and Feline Neurosurgery
از خودتان درباره کتاب توضیح کوتاهی بنویسید
, "Title Page -- Table of Contents -- Contributors -- ACVS Foreword -- ACVIM Foreword -- About the Companion Website -- SECTION I: Diagnostics and Planning -- 1 Neurosurgical Instrumentation -- Introduction -- Basic Surgical Instrumentation -- Draping and Approach -- References -- 2 Orthopedic Implants in Neurosurgery -- Introduction -- Pins and Wires -- Bone Screws -- Bone Plates -- Summary -- References -- 3 Minimum Database for Intracranial Surgery -- Introduction -- Preanesthetic -- Intracranial Imaging -- Specific Neurosurgery Considerations -- References -- 4 Advanced Imaging: Intracranial Surgery -- Introduction -- Overview of Intracranial Imaging Techniques -- Intraoperative Imaging -- References -- 5 Cisternal Cerebrospinal Fluid Taps -- Introduction -- Patient Preparation and Positioning -- Sample Acquisition -- Possible Complications -- Interpretation -- References -- 6 Minimum Database: Spinal Surgery -- Introduction -- Complete Blood Count -- Serum Biochemistry -- Urinalysis -- Hemostasis Assays -- Thoracic Radiographs -- Abdominal Ultrasound -- Electrocardiogram -- References -- 7 Advanced Imaging: Spinal Surgery -- Myelography -- Computed Tomography -- Magnetic Resonance Imaging -- Interpretation -- Conclusions -- References -- 8 Lumbar Cerebrospinal Fluid Taps -- Introduction -- Anatomical Considerations -- Procedure -- Contraindications and Complications -- Indications for LumbarCSF Analysis -- References -- 9 Muscle and Nerve Biopsy -- Introduction -- Techniques -- References -- SECTION II: Intracranial Procedures -- 10 Transfrontal Craniotomy -- Introduction -- Indications -- Surgical Technique (Video 10.1) -- Complications -- References -- 11 Lateral (Rostrotentorial) Craniotomy/Craniectomy -- Introduction -- Patient Preparation and Positioning -- Surgical Technique -- References. 12 Suboccipital Craniectomy/Foramen Magnum Decompression -- Indications -- Surgical Anatomy -- Patient Positioning -- Surgical Technique (Video 12.1) -- References -- 13 Surgical Treatment of Skull Tumors -- Indications -- Preoperative Imaging -- Surgical Anatomy -- Patient Positioning -- Surgical Technique -- Postoperative Considerations -- References -- 14 Shunt Placement and Marsupialization in Treatment of Hydrocephalus and Quadrigeminal Diverticula -- Hydrocephalus -- Quadrigeminal Diverticula -- Editors' Note -- References -- SECTION III: Spinal Procedures -- 15 Atlantoaxial Subluxation -- Introduction -- Anatomy -- Pathophysiology -- Clinical Signs -- Diagnosis -- Medical Management -- Surgical Procedures -- Surgical Complications -- Postoperative Management -- Surgical Prognosis -- Summary -- References -- 16 Dorsal Cervical Decompression (Laminectomy/Hemilaminectomy and Laminotomy) -- Introduction -- Indications for Dorsal Decompression of the Cervical Spine -- Laminectomy versus Hemilaminectomy -- Dorsal Approach to the Occipital-Atlantoaxial Vertebral Canal (Medulla Oblongata to C2) -- References -- 17 Ventral Cervical Decompression -- Indications -- Preparation -- Approach -- Variations of Ventral Slot Procedure -- Complications -- Postoperative Care -- References -- 18 Lateral Cervical Approach -- Introduction -- Clinical Evaluation -- Diagnosis -- Indications for a Lateral Cervical Approach -- Surgical Anatomy and Approaches -- Postoperative Care -- References -- 19 Cervical Distraction and Stabilization -- Introduction -- Preoperative Planning -- Positioning and Approach -- Surgical Procedure -- Postoperative Assessment -- References -- 20 Thoracolumbar Hemilaminectomy -- Introduction -- Surgical Approach -- Hemilaminectomy -- Closure -- Discussion -- References -- 21 Pediculectomy/Mini-Hemilaminectomy -- Indications -- Procedure.
Technique: Surgical Approach (Video 21.1) -- Technique: Pediculectomy Procedure (Video 21.3) -- Complications -- Postoperative Care -- References -- 22 Intervertebral Disc Fenestration -- Introduction -- Indications -- Technique -- Cervical Disc Fenestration -- Thoracolumbar Disc Fenestration -- References -- 23 Thoracolumbar Lateral Corpectomy -- Definition and Initial Description -- Technical Aspects -- Instrumentation -- Surgical Technique -- Combining TLLC with Other Techniques -- Experimental and Clinical Results -- Conclusion -- References -- 24 Dorsal Laminectomy in the Thoracolumbar Region -- Introduction -- Surgical Approach (Video 24.1) -- Classification of Dorsal Laminectomies -- References -- 25 Vertebral Fracture and Luxation Repair -- Introduction -- Preoperative Planning -- Decompression in Addition to Stabilization -- Cervical Injuries -- Thoracolumbar Injury -- Lumbosacral Injuries -- Postoperative Imaging Assessment -- Complications -- References -- 26 Lumbosacral Decompression and Foraminotomy -- Pathophysiology -- Diagnosis -- Treatment -- Postoperative Management -- Postoperative Outcomes -- References -- 27 Surgical Management of Spinal Neoplasia -- Introduction -- History -- Physical and Neurological Examinations -- Spinal Tumor Location -- Diagnostic Evaluation -- Cytology/Biopsy -- Treatment Options -- Nonsurgical Therapy -- References -- SECTION IV: Postoperative Care and Rehabilitation -- 28 Guidelines for Postoperative Medical Care of the Neurosurgical Patient -- Introduction -- Immediate Postoperative Care -- Intravenous Fluids -- Analgesia -- Gastroprotectants -- Antibiotics -- Managing the Recumbent Patient -- Mechanical Ventilation -- Bladder Management -- Nutritional Requirements -- Monitoring Neurological Status -- Incisional Care -- Antiepileptics -- Physiotherapy and Exercise Restriction -- References.
29 Physical Rehabilitation of the Neurological Patient -- Introduction -- Neurorehabilitation -- Physical Modalities -- Therapeutic Exercises -- Prevention and Treatment of Bad Habits -- Management of the Recumbent Patient -- References -- Index -- End User License Agreement.",
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