Building a Data Integration Team
Skills, Requirements, and Solutions for Designing Integrations
Find the right people with the right skills. This bookclarifies best practices for creating high-functioning data integration teams, enabling you to understand the skills and requirements, documents, and solutions for planning, designing, and monitoring both one-time migration and daily integration systems. The growth of data is exploding. With multiple sources of information constantly arriving across enterprise systems, combining these systems into a single, cohesive, and documentable unit has become more important than ever. But the approach toward integration is much different than in other software disciplines, requiring the ability to code, collaborate, and disentangle complex business rules into a scalable model.Data migrations and integrations can be complicated. In many cases, project teams save the actual migration for the last weekend of the project, and any issues can lead to missed deadlines or, at worst, corrupted data that needs to be reconciled post-deployment. This book details how to plan strategically to avoid these last-minute risks as well as how to build the right solutions for future integration projects.What You Will Learn Understand the “language” of integrations and how they relate in terms of priority and ownership Create valuable documents that lead your team from discovery to deployment Research the most important integration tools in the market today Monitor your error logs and see how the output increases the cycle of continuous improvement Market across the enterprise to provide valuable integration solutions
Who This Book Is For The executive and integration team leaders who are building the corresponding practice. It is also for integration architects, developers, and business analysts who need additional familiarity with ETL tools, integration processes, and associated project deliverables. 02 02 Intermediate user level 04 02Introduction (10 pages) “Without a systematic way to start and keep data clean, bad data will happen.” – Donato Diorio, CEO of RingLead In this introduction, I talk about what data integration is and what it is not. I provide a working definition and how, in our text, I use migration and integration interchangeably. I describe why data integration matters, under what use cases it is most successful, and what can happen when integrations fail. I caution that readers need to be familiar with basic databases practices (how they work in collaboration with departments) and have a basic understanding of workflows and process handoffs. I also recommend that readers have some experience with business templates such as Requirements Documents and Sequence Diagrams.Chapter 1: Integration Background (30 pages) I start with a brief history of data migration, from its earliest days to the more modern times of cloud migration. Through this, readers will be able to grasp the advancement in architecture, speed, and complexity. We then discuss how integration is more of a process rather than a product and “owning a process” requires a different perspective that the more familiar “owning a product” that software development entails. We end the chapter with a discussion of integration approaches ranging from the one-time migration, nightly integration, listener services and hybrid approach. 1) Brief history 2) Process Ownership vs. Product Ownership 3) Integration Approaches a. One-time Migration b. Nightly Integration c. Listener services d. Scheduled services e. Hybrid approachChapter 2: Key Terms (20 pages) Integration developed from a combination of both technical and business mindsets and consequently has several terms that require some understanding. This section is designed to clarify what these terms mean and why they matter in the integration process. Some of the terms to be discussed include 1) Metadata 2) Source 3) Target 4) Mapping 5) Extractions, Transformation, and Loading (ETL)Chapter 3: Team Qualifications (20 pages) The integration team consists of individuals who are technical engineers, business-focused analysts, great communicators, and experienced coders. While some teams are quite small (I’ve seen those with two people or less), others can be much larger (a typical size of 5-9 could be the norm). This chapter discusses the roles and responsibilities required to create a great integration team. 1) Data Integration Architect 2) Developer 3) Release Manager 4) Project Manager 5) StakeholdersChapter 4: Finding your Purpose: Project Deliverables (30 pages) With a team structure firmly in mind, the next step is to determine what type of functional, business, and technical requirements should be captured and documented. Data integrations tend to be very fluid, and often, mappings can change multiple times before the business provides final signoff. If large datasets reveal inexplicable errors, developers must quickly research, code, and communicate workarounds to stakeholders. The best way to do this is through a combination of good business requirements, an understanding of who can support change requests, and the right documents to communicate the integration approach. 1) The purpose of Business Requirements 2) A good communication plan: Knowing your Points of Contact 3) Primary documents a. High-Level Design Document b. Source to Target Mapping c. Sequence Diagram d. Architecture Diagram e. ETL ScreenshotsChapter 5: ETL ( 35 pages) Depending on the type of integration required, developers and architects need to have experience with database services, cloud platforms, XML, and underlying communication protocols like REST and SOAP. Tying these technologies together requires the right ETL tool. This chapter discusses how ETL typically operates and includes a sample script to demonstrate the steps to build a simple service. We then go through the current ETL software leaders in the marketplace ranging from the least amount of experience (but with little flexibility) to the more advanced (but with plenty of bells and whistles). The key here is to help establish the right tool for the right job without having to learn a series of new technologies overnight. 1) An introduction to ETL a. Extraction (Connectors, Part 1) b. Transformation c. Load (Connectors, Part 2) 2) Sample exercise 3) Popular Software a. Jitterbit b. Talend c. Dell Boomi d. Pentaho e. SQL Server (SSIS) f. MuleSoft g. Informatica h. Scripting languages (Python, Perl)Chapter 6: Platform Automation (20 pages) One of the hallmarks of a good integration design is that it should be repeatable. The initial load scripts should be tested rigourously on Develoment and Test environments, and daily processes should run continuously on Production Environments, changing where needed to fit the growing needs of the business. Much of this approach relates directly to a DevOps model and bears discussing as it relates to data integration. 1) Environment Builds 2) Running your pipeline through orchestrations 3) File Version Control 4) Testing a. Back-End b. Front-End 5) Deploying through release managementChapter 7: Monitoring Results (25 pages) The design is complete, the business is satisfied with the requirements, and the integration has gone live. The only thing left to do is to start monitoring the results of the integration. In this chapter, we implement a PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle) to improve the integration output, providing daily success and error counts to users through emails and other notification channels. We discuss ways to identify Type I and Type II errors and making sure the owners of the data systems know how to resolve their issues once discovered. We end with a brief discussion on using the integration as a feeder into business intelligence, potentially using predictive analytics to discover gaps in the data that can lead to additional integration projects. 1) The Continous Improvement Model 2) Identifying Successes and Errors 3) Alerting Teams Through Different Notification Channels 4) Using Analytics to generate future integrationsChapter 8: Building Outward: Marketing to the Enterprise (20 pages) By this point, the integration team should have deployed at least a few projects and have earned accolades for their successful accomplishments. This celebration is no time to rest on their laurels, however. Before the excitement dies down, teams should reach out to departments across the enterprise, identifying future projects that make the best candidates for data integration. Part of this approach will involve advertising to make external teams aware of the work the integration team has done, performing educational activities such as Lunch-and-Learns, and become involved with building an Integration Center of Excellence (I will discuss this in some length). Understanding the goals of the enterprise for the upcoming financial year would also have value; with some research and creativity, the team can construct an integration data roadmap. This visual summary, similar to a product roadmap, maps out the vision and direction of integration offerings, which departments they serve, and the estimated time it would take to complete. 1) Advertising 2) Education 3) Building an Integration Center of Excellence 4) Data RoadmapsAppendix A: Sample Templates There will be some follow-up in the Appendix including the code and sample templates (which are also stored in GitHub). I’d also like to include some additional weblinks to the ETL software (we might want to move that section over to the Appendix if it doesn’t fit with the rest of the book). 13 02JarrettGoldfedder is the founder of InfoThoughts Data, LLC, a company that specializes in data management, migration, and automation. He has significant experience in both cloud-based and on-premise technologies and holds various certificates in Salesforce Administration, Dell Boomi Architecture, and Informatica Cloud Data. He also served as a technical reviewer of the Apress book by David Masri titledDeveloping Data Migrations and Integrations with Salesforce: Patterns and Best Practices . 18 02 Find the right people with the right skills.This bookclarifies best practices for creating high-functioning data integration teams, enabling you to understand the skills and requirements, documents, and solutions for planning, designing, and monitoring both one-time migration and daily integration systems. The growth of data is exploding. With multiple sources of information constantly arriving across enterprise systems, combining these systems into a single, cohesive, and documentable unit has become more important than ever. But the approach toward integration is much different than in other software disciplines, requiring the ability to code, collaborate, and disentangle complex business rules into a scalable model.Data migrations and integrations can be complicated. In many cases, project teams save the actual migration for the last weekend of the project, and any issues can lead to missed deadlines or, at worst, corrupted data that needs to be reconciled post-deployment. This book details how to plan strategically to avoid these last-minute risks as well as how to build the right solutions for future integration projects. You will: Understand the “language” of integrations and how they relate in terms of priority and ownership Create valuable documents that lead your team from discovery to deployment Research the most important integration tools in the market today Monitor your error logs and see how the output increases the cycle of continuous improvement Market across the enterprise to provide valuable integration solutions 19 02 Other technical guides focus on the use of a specific integration tool (ETL, scripting) rather than the actual framework itself—this book offers a strong foundation for promoting these tools and enhancing teamwork Educate business users on the nuances behind assigning the right staff to the right tasks Design the integration team with a strategic approach from the outset of a project rather than a last-minute afterthought 06 05 300 01 01 01 01 01 Springer Nature Imprint APR Apress 01 01 APR Apress 01 05 5235327 Apress Berkeley, CA US 04 20200228 2020 01 WORLD 08 515 gr 01 254 mm 02 178 mm 27 03 9781484256534 15 9781484256534 01 ISBN-13 hyphenated 978-1-4842-5653-4 DG Apress 01 ROW IP 23 20200228 02 Recommended Retail Price 01 BIC discount group code ASPVBT 02 Product discount group SPVBT 02 54.99 AUD AU 20191206 01 Recommended Retail Price 01 BIC discount group code ASPVBT 02 Product discount group SPVBT 02 49.99 AUD AU 20191206 02 Recommended Retail Price 01 BIC discount group code ASPVBT 02 Product discount group SPVBT 02 39.00 CHF CH R 2.5 20191206 02 Recommended Retail Price 01 BIC discount group code ASPVBT 02 Product discount group SPVBT 02 35.30 EUR DE R 7 20191206 02 Recommended Retail Price 01 BIC discount group code ASPVBT 02 Product discount group SPVBT 02 34.80 EUR FR 20191206 02 Recommended Retail Price 01 BIC discount group code ASPVBT 02 Product discount group SPVBT 02 34.31 EUR IT 20191206 02 Recommended Retail Price 01 BIC discount group code ASPVBT 02 Product discount group SPVBT 02 35.96 EUR NL 20191206 02 Recommended Retail Price 01 BIC discount group code ASPVBT 02 Product discount group SPVBT 02 36.29 EUR AT R 10 20191206 01 Recommended Retail Price 01 BIC discount group code ASPVBT 02 Product discount group SPVBT 02 32.99 EUR ROW 20191206 01 Recommended Retail Price 01 BIC discount group code ASPVBT 02 Product discount group SPVBT 02 27.99 GBP GB 20191206 01 Recommended Retail Price 01 BIC discount group code ASPVBT 02 Product discount group SPVBT 02 2350.00 INR IN 20191206 Apress 01 US 02 Y IP 23 20200228 01 Recommended Retail Price 01 BIC discount group code ADGNY14 02 Product discount group DGNY14 02 32.99 EUR ROW 20191206 01 Recommended Retail Price 01 BIC discount group code ADGNY14 02 Product discount group DGNY14 02 37.99 USD US 20191206
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