Written by local experts, Fodor's travel guides have been offering advice and professionally vetted recommendations for all tastes and budgets for 80 years.
Known for its sophisticated resorts, British style, and warm inviting hospitality, Barbados is an island of broad vistas, sweeping seascapes, and acres of sugar cane. Mountainous St. Lucia is covered by rainforest that makes it one of the greenest islands in the Caribbean, and it also has vibrant coral reefs that draw scuba divers from all over the world. The two islands offer both all-inclusive and regular resorts and are linked by frequent air service, making the short hop in about 20 minutes.
This travel guide includes:
ULTIMATE EXPERIENCES GUIDE contains a brief introduction and spectacular color photos that capture the ultimate experiences and attractions throughout Barbados and St. Lucia. •
COMPACT FORMAT: Fodor's In Focus Guides are packed with the same coverage of a full-size guidebook in a smaller, more convenient format that's easier to carry.
UP-TO-DATE COVERAGE: Our writer has added new restaurants, hotels, shops, nightlife options, and sports outfitters throughout the guide to keep pace with the latest developments. •
ILLUSTRATED FEATURES: The best that Barbados and St. Lucia have to offer is highlighted in vibrant color photos that capture the beauty of both islands. •
INDISPENSABLE TRIP PLANNING TOOLS: "Planners" give useful, practical overviews of each island, and "Great Itineraries" make it easy to have the perfect day or night. A comprehensive overview of resorts and restaurants helps travelers find the perfect place to eat and stay. •
DISCERNING RECOMMENDATIONS: Fodor's In Focus Barbados & St. Lucia offers savvy advice and recommendations from local writers to help travelers make the most of their time. Fodor's Choice designates our best picks, from hotels to nightlife. •
COVERS: Barbados, Bridgetown, Holetown, St. Lucia’s Pitons, Vigie, Cap Estate, Castries, Rodney Bay Village, Soufrière, and Speightstown.
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