Our self-published version of Tribe of Hackers: Cybersecurity Advice from the Best Hackers in the World (9781793464187) has been retired. For the current version of this title, which includes a new cover and introduction, please look for Tribe of Hackers: Cybersecurity Advice from the Best Hackers in the World (9781119643371) available from Wiley Publishing.
My mind is in a very peaceful and reflective mood. I’m nearing the end of my first time away from work in at least three years, most of which has been a blur as I founded my own cybersecurity firm.
I’ve learned a lot about venture capital, investors, and mentors—as well as what it takes to build a company from just an idea. It’s been an amazing journey. My reputation as a white hat hacker gave me the credibility to get this far, and we’re just getting started.
I believe in giving as I go. In other words, instead of waiting until I “make it” to give back to others, I have been trying to mentor everyone I come across along the way. I have always been the type to want to help others, so I mean it when I say you’re welcome to email or meet me for guidance about anything. I will always try my best to help.
Over the last year, I’ve listened to hundreds of hours of audiobooks while going to and from work and while walking the dogs. One of the books that really impressed me was Tribe of Mentors by Timothy Ferriss, and it stands as the inspiration for this book’s concept. I highly recommend this thought-provoking read on life and business, especially if you’re a fan of entrepreneurship.
In his book, Ferriss asked his impressive network eleven questions, and then the magic just happens. For me, this immediately sparked the idea that there should be a cybersecurity version of the book. So, I compiled the most common questions people ask me about cybersecurity and narrowed it down to 14 questions.
The questions initially start with views of cybersecurity at-large and then become more personal. I noticed that when I have conversations at conferences, this is the normal flow. We call these types of conversations “hallway-con,” because some of the best learning happens between the scheduled talks and events.
After compiling the questions, I started reaching out to my network of friends and colleagues in the industry and asked them to be a part of this book. I was humbled by the response. In total, we ended up with 70 inspiring interviews with notable hackers.
A quick note: We edited every interview to improve flow and readability, and in some cases, this meant abbreviating answers or deleting non-responses. We also included contact information at the end of each bio indicating where you can find each hacker on the web and/or on social media. We’re an engaged and tight-knit group, and we hope you’ll join us.
Creating this book has been an amazing journey, and I hope the answers to these questions help guide you along your path.
Marcus J. Carey
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