Desmond Pucket Makes Monster Magic

Desmond Pucket Makes Monster Magic
افزودن به بوکمارک اشتراک گذاری 0 دیدگاه کاربران 3 (1)

Desmond Pucket Series, Book 1

مشارکت: عنوان و توضیح کوتاه هر کتاب را ترجمه کنید این ترجمه بعد از تایید با نام شما در سایت نمایش داده خواهد شد.
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Mark Tatulli


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DOGO Books
ian21tang - Desmond Pucket is the master of pranks. However putting worms in mashed potatoes and attaching goblins to toilet seats won't let him go to the Mountain of Monsters Ride. He needs to stay absolutely prank-free in order to have the privelege of going to Crab Shell Pier, home of the Mountain of Monsters Ride. Will he stay prank-free, or will he let his pranks attack? Find out in this hilarious book!

Publisher's Weekly

August 19, 2013
Tatulli, creator of the syndicated comics Heart of the City and Lio, jumps to Wimpy Kid–style illustrated fiction with the story of self-described “Gourmet of Gore” Desmond Pucket. Like a budding Ray Harryhausen, Desmond loves nothing more than designing monstrous special effects. When readers meet him, he has awakened his mother in the middle of the night, complaining of a stomachache: “A large red stain spreads across my belly... and a slimy, multi-eyed, many fanged creature breaks out of my stomach with a screech, its tentacles jiggling and blood spurting from the gaping hole!” (“Are those the new pajamas I just bought you?” his mother sighs in the accompanying cartoon.) Despite Desmond’s flair for the dramatic, his life is grounded in reality: he joins a series of clubs to try to avoid expulsion, as well as qualify for a sixth-grade class trip. Tatulli’s sometimes-gruesome caricatures have the feel of George Booth by way of Ralph Steadman, and while the story’s jokes don’t always hit the mark, readers will walk away with plenty of mischievous ammunition. Ages 7–12. Agent: Daniel Lazar, Writers House.


Starred review from September 15, 2013
Desmond's monster magic pranks are excellent--but they might get him expelled. Sixth-grader Desmond Pucket loves to pull special-effects pranks: fake blood in the PTO's coffee cake, a goblin in the teacher's-lounge toilet, wiggling worms in the cafeteria mashed potatoes. However, Mr. Needles, head of the Cloverfield Memorial Junior High disciplinary office, has had enough. If Desmond doesn't participate successfully in one extracurricular activity, then Desmond is out. Getting expelled means missing the field trip to Crab Shell Amusement Pier and the chance to finally ride the awesome Mountain Full of Monsters thrill ride. Desmond finds just cleaning up his act won't cut it because someone's trying to frame him; can he find out who without losing his ticket to the amusement park? Tatulli's entry into the comics/fiction-hybrid market is one of the best. Desmond's discovery of the importance of being himself adds just the right amount of realism and depth to his tale...of course, "himself" is a prankster and troublemaker, so grown-ups might not appreciate this particular epiphany. Neither will they love the special-effects-prank instructions in the backmatter. The target audience will snap this up and beg for more. Colored illustrations and comics plus the whacked, gross humor and glow-in-the-dark cover make this a must. Sequel promised. (Graphic/fiction hybrid. 9-12)


School Library Journal

August 1, 2013

Gr 4-6-Sixth-grader Desmond Pucket loves horror special effects. Goblins popping out of toilets, exploding zombie heads, and mass-media digital scares are what he lives for. He takes things too far, however, and is forced to give up his bloody ways. When he finally finds a niche and does well at a new, wholesome life, spooky, disgusting, slimy things start happening all over the school. Desmond is getting framed, and he has a good idea who is doing it: his best friend. Desmond is an interesting protagonist. He has all the trappings of a misunderstood troublemaker, but with a twist: he is truly a prodigy at something. Most of the story is focused on helping him find the proper venue and audience for his skill, rather than using it to cause disruptions. The book is chock-full of sketches in Desmond's "hand," and kids will like the drawings in another style that outline his big scares. The story is an enjoyable, if unexceptional, quick read. It will be most appealing to those already into "Big Nate," "The Diary of a Wimpy Kid," and James Patterson's Middle School: Get Me Out of Here! (Little, Brown, 2012).-Devin Burritt, Wells Public Library, ME

Copyright 2013 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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