I Love You, Baby Burrito

I Love You, Baby Burrito
افزودن به بوکمارک اشتراک گذاری 0 دیدگاه کاربران 4 (1)

مشارکت: عنوان و توضیح کوتاه هر کتاب را ترجمه کنید این ترجمه بعد از تایید با نام شما در سایت نمایش داده خواهد شد.
iran گزارش تخلف

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تاریخ انتشار



Angela Dominguez


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نقد و بررسی


December 1, 2020
Two doting parents bring their newborn home in this sweet story told with Spanish phrases. An excellent title for anyone who wants to convey the love and excitement of being a new parent, this bilingual picture book captures the joy of the first few days at home. The house is decorated with banners and balloons, giving the illustrations a celebratory feel. A stuffed llama, toys, and a bassinet have been prepared in anticipation of the birth, and the green and yellow colors in the nursery make it easy for any child to imagine themselves the baby arriving home in the story. The parents, a pale-skinned, redheaded mother and a brown-skinned, dark-haired father, hold their new arrival, then watch the baby in the bassinet until fussing begins. After feeding, they calm their babe by partaking in the universal act of swaddling the tot tightly in a blanket. Accompanying illustrations that show how the baby's arms and legs are contained, with only the face peeking out, in a bundle that looks like a burrito, the text deftly interjects Spanish words while conveying their meaning through the artwork. A sense of kindness and safety permeates the double-spread depictions of the parents and their child, resulting in a calm and peaceful tale of family love. A Spanish glossary and pronunciation guide follow this clever and heartwarming story. (This book was reviewed digitally with 9-by-18-inch double-page spreads reviewed at 40.8% of actual size.) This celebration of the "baby burrito" is a playful and loving take on life in a Latinx family. (Picture book. 2-5)


Publisher's Weekly

December 14, 2020
Dominguez offers a gentle bilingual address from two parents to their new bebé, with Spanish words highlighted in green. A parent with upswept auburn hair, light skin, and a pink sweater nestles close a green-hatted newborn in a yellow onesie, as another parent, who has light brown skin and dark hair and wears a blue long-sleeved shirt, brings stuffed animals into a furnished nursery. The padres introduce their infant to the home; speculate on the baby’s face (“This is your delightful carita,/ which I think looks a bit like mine”), fingers, and toes; and finally swaddle the newborn (“So let’s wrap you up,/ my precious gift,/ mi regalo”). Watercolor, colored pencil, and digital illustrations offer soft, expressive visualizations of the spare narrative. A sweet gift for new parents. Back matter features a Spanish-English glossary with pronunciations. Ages 2–5.

School Library Journal

April 1, 2021

PreS-Gr 1-A gentle pastel palette sets the tone for this sweet and simple picture book about a Latinx family welcoming their first baby. Affirmations of love, security, and comfort are expressed in English and Spanish ("This is your home, tu casa, where we promise to keep you safe"). When the Spanish vocabulary isn't explicitly defined in the text, illustrations offer context and a glossary is provided, making this book ideal for a bilingual household or for Spanish language learners. The routine of caring for a newborn is woven throughout the pages, culminating in naptime, in which the baby is snugly swaddled in a blanket like a little burrito. Sleep-deprived new parents may laugh ruefully as the baby in the book goes down without a fuss, but this soothing depiction of newborn life certainly has appeal. It's sparse on details-feeding is mentioned but not shown-but makes an endearing bedtime read for baby and could be a positive way to introduce the concept of a new infant to an older sibling-to-be. VERDICT Filled to the brim with comfort and love, this book is a welcome addition to most picture book collections, especially where bilingual books are in demand.-Allison Tran, Mission Viejo Lib., CA

Copyright 2021 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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