In this next installment of the Warrior Series, Kallen discovers what it means to be a King. His Guild is in shambles after an attack. They are looking to him to step up and be the leader he was destined to be.
Along with his friends, they once again have to battle rebel members of the Guilds while trying to assume the role they were born for. When one of their own is taken from them, they start the battle to save their legacy. It is a race against time, or they may lose someone else.
Kallen and Jade, his chosen mate, together find their gifts and use them to help defend their crown and their friends. They say love conquerors all but will it be enough when they have to face their demons.
Sneek Peek!
Kallen was in shock. A girlfriend he never met was hurt, and he was trying to think how he should react? Obviously, he was concerned, but without knowing her, he could only be worried on a superficial level. This whole arranged marriage thing was gonna suck, he thought as he paced back and forth across the room to his office. This was the 21 Century for goodness sake; they did not do that type of thing anymore.
He threw his hands up and said aloud to the walls, "I am only eighteen, what the hell have I gotten myself into?" Kallen was working himself into a frenzy. He was good at that, since he rarely expressed his emotions aloud. He had Cassidy, his best friend, for that she was a regular drama queen. Kallen smiled to himself, and thought of his closest friend.
Kallen had never been the type of person who was shallow or fake; he hated when people smiled to your face and talked behind your back. He wore his feelings on his sleeve for that reason; if he was pissed, people knew it. Right now, he was pissed, worried, and terrified; "wow" he said aloud again, talking to himself, "I will make a terrific leader."
Cassidy was impulsive, whereas he would take his time making decisions, so he would not make a mistake. That was his problem, in crisis, he was never sure what to do, and what if he made matters worse was his biggest fear. Cassidy always jumps in feet first and sorted stuff out afterwards, he needed to be more like her, or he would lose his Guild quickly. 'His Guild' that still sounded strange to say. They learned that the 'Guild'. They were referring to all the time was their own society of people who possessed certain powers that had been given to them by the angels for their ancestor's faithfulness. That history lesson is too long to think about right now. Kallen and his friends each belonged to a different Guild, when they traveled to their family's Stronghold, they would all possess the gifts that would allow them to claim the throne of each of these Guilds. They were ancestors of the original members of the Guild, which gave them each the power and the right to lead the Guilds as they saw fit. In the pass, their ancestors used their special powers to help the human race. Kallen and his friend agreed they wanted to carry on this tradition, but they also found out there were those who wanted the powers to be used to control the human race. These people had attacked their parents and held them prisoner for the last 15 years in order to get the thrones, so they could take over. The rebels just found out that Cassidy, and the rest was alive, now they wanted them all dead, and not just them but their chosen mates too. This all led them back to where they were right now.
Cassidy claimed her Stronghold a few months and so far, she had been kidnapped, tortured, and left for dead. Now it was Kallen's turn, 'fun times'. He thought, and turned in circles.
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