All the Lovely Bad Ones

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Mary Downing Hahn


HMH Books


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تراویس و خواهرش، کری، نمی‌توانند در مقابل یک حقه خوب مقاومت کنند، بنابراین وقتی متوجه می‌شوند که مهمان‌خانه‌ی مادربزرگشان، ورمانت، سابقه‌ای از گشت‌های ارواح دارد، تصمیم می‌گیرند که کمی از خودشان «شکار» کنند. ترساندن مهمانان سرگرم کننده است، و قبل از این مدت، این مهمانخانه پر از گردشگران و شکارچیان ارواح است که مشتاق هستند تا یک نظر از ماوراالطبیعه را ببینند. اما تراویس و کوری خیلی زود فهمیدن که روح‌های واقعی در فاکس هیل وجود دارن ارواح بی قرار و کینه توز که از خواب بیدار شده‌اند، مهمانخانه را پر می‌کنند، در حالی که حضور تاریک و وحشت‌انگیزی در ان‌جا به چشم می‌خورد. برای استراحت ارواح، بچه ها باید تاریخ سیاه تپه فاکس و وحشت هایی که در گذشته بر روی ساکنان جوان ان مشاهده شده است را کشف کنند.

نقد و بررسی

DOGO Books
minecraftmoo123 - This book is very cool! Two kids named Travis and Corey come to visit their grandmother for summer. They soon find out that the inn is said to be haunted. You know kids. They cant resist a good prank. While Travis and Corey are dressing up as ghosts and scaring the socks off guests, they awaken a ghost. Actually, more than one ghost. The three ghosts, Caleb, Ira, and Seth are awakened along with their playmates and their murderer. Miss Ada. The history of Fox Hill is so thrilling. Apparently, two people bought the inn and sheltered people. Unfortunately, they were mean. Seth, Ira, and Caleb stole cheese from the owner's quarters and were punished. Miss Ada beat them and left them out in the freezing weather to sleep for the night. Little did she know, the next morning these mischievous little kids were dead. Caleb, Ira, and Seth were ghosts and slept for the next years until, Travis and Corey woke them up AND Miss Ada with their pranks. Just so you know, Miss Ada can still torture the kids while they are ghosts because she hanged herself in the grove next to the inn. Now, Travis and Corey must put an end to what they did by helping the ghosts. Thrilling, exciting, and erratic "All the Lovely Bad Ones" is a great book and i suggest you read it

Publisher's Weekly

March 10, 2008
Ghost story veteran Hahn (Deep and Dark and Dangerous
) spins another novel filled with things that moan and creek in the night. In an old, reputedly haunted bed and breakfast in the woods of Vermont, the chandeliers swing seemingly at random. The lights blink on and off, the radio zips through its stations at top volume, and “shadows race around the walls, laughing and taunting with insults relating to the size of rear end.” What sets this apart from a run-of-the-mill spooky tale is not simply that the protagonists, 11-year-old Corey and 12-year-old Travis, have provoked the dead by faking a haunting, but that they then feel obliged to help resolve the spirits’ problems and lay them to rest, no matter what the cost. When Corey and Travis discover the inn was an poorhouse in the 19th century, and that the ghosts that now roam its corridors were children who died there at the hands of abusive owners, readers might be inspired by Hahn’s colorful historical investigation to learn more about what actually happened during those times. In addition to crafting some genuinely spine-chilling moments, the author takes a unique approach to a well-traversed genre. Ages 9-12.

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