Big Nate in the Zone

Big Nate in the Zone
افزودن به بوکمارک اشتراک گذاری 0 دیدگاه کاربران 4 (1)

Big Nate Series, Book 6

بزرگ نیت سری, کتاب ۶

مشارکت: عنوان و توضیح کوتاه هر کتاب را ترجمه کنید این ترجمه بعد از تایید با نام شما در سایت نمایش داده خواهد شد.
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Fred Berman




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به زودی یک سریال انیمیشن از Nikelodeon! «نیت بزرگ بامزه است، زمان بزرگیه. «جف کینی، نویسنده خاطرات یک کودک ویمپی ششمین کتاب بزرگ نیت در نیویورک تایمز فروش سریال توسط لینکلن پیرس! برای طرفداران سریال «ویمپی کید» عالیه یک رمان خنده دار که تنها نابغه کارتونی، پادشاه بازداشت، و Chez Doule خبره، نیت رایت را بازی میکند. نیت خوش شانس نیست . . در واقع؛ اون هیچ شانسی نداره. اما با کمی تشکر از پاهای خوش شانس چاد، ناگهان شانس خوب در همه جا تبدیل نیت است! نیت توی منطقه ست! اما این کار چقدر طول خواهد کشید؟ شامل یک نگاه دزدکی به هفتمین رمان بزرگ نیت!

نقد و بررسی

Publisher's Weekly

November 1, 1999
Martino's luminous account of her lifelong love affair with horses is a moving, fiercely lyrical spiritual autobiography. Growing up on a California ranch, she learned to love horses from her Brooklyn-born Italian-American father ("The horses are blessed, chosen by God," he whispered to her when she was four), and from her Native American mother, in whose Osage traditions horses left deep tracks. Horses, "four-legged spirits that grace the grass," teachers of patience, balance, courage, trust and cooperation, are trail markers on Martino's inner journey. At age 19 she trained at the Vale, England's tough equestrian academy. At 28, the ghost of her father, who'd been dead several years, haunted a barn and was seen by two witnesses. Martino brought back from the brink and restored to health Belle, a gray mare whose cruel owner had beaten, isolated and starved her. Visiting the Blackfeet reservation in Montana, she received as a gift a wild stallion--a bridge to her ancestors who rode the hardy Plains horses as buffalo runners. In the book's most dramatic true-life tale, she defiantly quits her job as director of a horse facility rather than break in a gentle golden bay that does not want to jump cross-country obstacle courses. Exchanging security for freedom, she goes to live in a cabin with three "shy" wolves on an island off Washington State, where she now trains horses and runs Wolftown, a nonprofit organization that rescues wolves and horses. Martino believes that horses crave a good partnership even with an untrustworthy species like humans. Her tales of healing, survival and love indicate that we have much to learn from our equine friends.

DOGO Books
aqua-dog - Hi I am Aqua-Dog and Big Nate is personally one of my favorite seiries in the book world. Nate Wright has a older sister Ellen and a fat old dad. Nate loves writing comics and gets in detention by Mrs. Godfrey, his social studies teacher. Nate loves to play but also gets in trouble too much. Well, a sixth grader who is four and half feet tall isn’t your everyday classmate. His friend teddy is a friend like nate but more mature and less funny. Francis, Nate’s other friend is a nerd he always gets good grades. Nate also has crushes. Jenny Nate’s girlfriend dosent like him and something goes wrong every single time nate sees Jenny. One time in another book Nate offered to give a popsicle to Jenny at the beach and then a frisbee from another person went flying over his head and accidentally slipped into her bathing suit and nate got punched by Jenny. See you again soon, as always Aqua-Dog Fourth grade.

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