The Runaway King

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افزودن به بوکمارک اشتراک گذاری 0 دیدگاه کاربران 5 (1)

Ascendance Series, Book 2

سریهای اسنددنس، کتاب ۲

مشارکت: عنوان و توضیح کوتاه هر کتاب را ترجمه کنید این ترجمه بعد از تایید با نام شما در سایت نمایش داده خواهد شد.
iran گزارش تخلف

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Jennifer A. Nielsen


Scholastic Inc.


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چند هفته پس از تاج و تخت شدن جرون، تلاش برای ترور او را به یک موقعیت مرگبار تبدیل می کند. شایعات مربوط به یک جنگ در حال نزدیک شدن راه خود را بین دیوارهای قلعه باز می‌کند و جرون احساس می‌کند که فشار به ارامی در کارتیا بالا می‌رود. به زودی مشخص خواهد شد که ترک کشور تنها امید او برای نجات ان است. اما هرچه جرون بیشتر مجبور به فرار از هویتش شود، بیشتر متعجب می شود که ایا ممکن است بیش از حد دور شود. ایا می‌تواند دوباره به خانه برگردد؟ یا اینکه برای نجات ملکوتش باید جان خود را فدا کند؟ بخش دوم خیره‌کننده سریال Asence خوانندگان را سوار بر اسب غلتکی از خیانت و قتل، لرزش و خطر سفر با پادشاه فراری می‌کند! و از دست دادن چهارمین کتاب از سری «سرزمین اسیر» که در اکتبر ۲۰۲۰ منتشر خواهد شد!

نقد و بررسی

DOGO Books
elliotl20 - I was very surprised when I found out that Roden, who was his friend, joined the pirates on an attempt to scare him. I really like the part where the captain of Jaron's guard think that he bested Jaron by making him leave the kingdom and making himself a steward. Jaron then takes matters into his own hands and goes to defeat the pirates. I think that Jaron is my favorite character because he is so bold and he wants the best for his people, and is very selfless, unlike many other people would be if they were kings. I recommend this book, it is action-packed.

Publisher's Weekly

January 21, 2013
In this solid sequel to The False Prince (2012), newly crowned King Jaron of Carthya, once a poor orphan known as Sage, must flee the kingdom he has just inherited in order to escape both would-be assassins and the misguided control of his incompetent regents. Although older and supposedly wiser than him, they refuse to believe the evidence that Carthya is about to be attacked by the neighboring kingdom of Avenia, which has made an alliance with the deadly pirates of Tarblade Bay. Jaron, as headstrong and sure of himself as ever (not to mention a terminal smartass), concocts a wild plan to singlehandedly defeat the wicked pirate king Devlin. Unfortunately, by refusing to take advice from anyone, Jaron manages to insult most of the people who are actually loyal to him. As in the earlier book, Nielsen tells an exciting, breakneck tale, and Jaron remains an entertainingly surly antihero; however, while the villains are certainly evil enough, they are perhaps too easily manipulated by the young king. Ages 10–14. Agent: Ammi-Joan Paquette, Erin Murphy Literary Agency.


January 15, 2013
Acknowledged as Carthya's rightful king in The False Prince (2012), shrewd prince Jaron disappears in a desperate, foolhardy attempt to save his life, his crown and his country in this action-packed second installment of the Ascendance Trilogy. Barely a month into his reign, 15-year-old Jaron faces rival regents, threats of invasion from neighboring Avenia, a betrothal to a complete stranger and a power-hungry captain of the Carthyan guard who longs to replace him. When he's brutally attacked in the castle gardens, Jaron finds he's in a perilous predicament. He must surrender himself to the destructive Avenian pirates within 10 days or they and their ally, King Vargan of Avenia, will destroy Carthya to get him. Rather than comply, Jaron eschews his few trusted friends and disappears from Carthya, intent on infiltrating the pirates, settling a debt with their conniving leader Devlin and converting enemies into allies. Assuming his former identity as orphan thief Sage, Jaron covertly enters Avenia alone, where he's eventually captured, injured and seemingly doomed. Ever flippant, Jaron narrates his story with dark humor. Readers will continue to find this arrogant, fearless, utterly reckless hero intriguing, fascinating and complex as he battles the odds to protect the kingdom and people he now holds dear. High adventure abounds with nail-biting drama. (maps) (Adventure. 8-14)


School Library Journal

April 1, 2013

Gr 5-8-Jaron, aka Sage, from the The False Prince (Scholastic, 2012), has been king of Carthya for a month. On the night of his family's funeral, he is attacked by Roden, his former friend. The assassination attempt fails, but Roden warns him that pirates will destroy Carthya if he does not surrender in nine days. Knowing that the people closest to him are in the most danger, he sends Imogen away by pretending he no longer cares for her. Gregor, the captain of the guards, wants him to go into hiding and have a steward installed until he is of age, but Jaron has a plan. He will once again become Sage and go to the pirates alone. Through Fink, a local boy, Jaron joins a band of thieves whose leader, Erick, escorts him to the pirates. Once Jaron is branded as a pirate he must decide the best way to challenge Devlin, the pirate king, and stop the impending war against Carthya. Complicating matters is Imogen's presence as a serving girl, her attempts to save Jaron from himself, and the arrival of Gregor. The truth emerges after Roden returns from sea and paves the way for a resolution that satisfies everyone. Despite the intricate and often convoluted plot, this is a fast-paced and thrilling read with twists and turns that never let up. Students will likely devour it and eagerly anticipate the conclusion to the trilogy.-Kefira Phillipe, Nichols Middle School, Evanston, IL

Copyright 2013 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.


April 1, 2013
Grades 5-8 Jaron, aka Sage, is new to his throne and surrounded by intrigue in this follow-up to The False Prince (2012). As jammed with action and violent swordplay as its predecessor, the plot takes the headstrong Jaron into a pirate stronghold where dangers increase steeply as the young king, in disguise, wrestles with saving his kingdom. Needless to say, he is always, almost fatally true to his characterstubborn and determined to do things on his own. The ending introduces a cliff-hanger of a new threat and will leave fans clutching their skulls. It's never an easy thing to wait out the writing of a multiple-volume series.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2013, American Library Association.)

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