The Hero's Guide to Being an Outlaw

راهنمای قهرمان به قانون شکنی
افزودن به بوکمارک اشتراک گذاری 0 دیدگاه کاربران 5 (1)

The Hero's Guide Series, Book 3

مجموعه راهنمای قهرمان، کتاب ۳

مشارکت: عنوان و توضیح کوتاه هر کتاب را ترجمه کنید این ترجمه بعد از تایید با نام شما در سایت نمایش داده خواهد شد.
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Bronson Pinchot


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انجمن شاهزادگان در پایان حماسی سریال ضربه ای کریستوفر هیلی بازگشت، که کرکوس ریویو ان را «کمدی با پیچ گوشتی، بذله گویی بخش و تمام سرگرم کننده» در یک مرور پر ستاره خواند! پرنس لیام شاهزاده فردریک. شاهزاده دانکن شاهزاده گوستاو. فکر میکنی تا الان اونا رو خیلی خوب میشناسی، نه؟ خب، دوباره فکر کن پوسترهایی که در سرتاسر سیزده پادشاهی نوشته شده‌اند می‌گویند که بریار رز به قتل رسیده است و چهار پرنس دلربا مظنونین اصلی هستند. حالا دارن فرار میکنن تا اسمهاشون رو پاک کنن در طول راه، با این حال، انها کشف می کنند که قتل بریار تنها بخشی از یک توطئه زشت برای به دست گرفتن کنترل تمام سیزده پادشاهی یک قطعه است که منجر به دروازه یک قلعه کاملا اشنا برای نمایش نهایی با یک دشمن به شدت اشنا.

نقد و بررسی

AudioFile Magazine
Narrator Bronson Pinchot expertly gives voice and personality to almost a dozen familiar characters from fairy tales. In this story princes and princesses are on the run for the alleged murder of Snow White's sister, Briar Rose. It's the latest in a series of books set in this weird fairy-tale world. Pinchot opts to give some of the characters bizarre affectations, like California surfer accents. He's particularly good at making ogres sound like monsters and making the book an enjoyable romp. The Princes Charming, all four of them, are trying to save themselves and their famous wives, including Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty, from evil forces who want rule the 13 kingdoms, where all had previously lived happily ever after. The book is silly and quirky but full of adventure and derring-do. M.S. 2015 Audies Finalist © AudioFile 2015, Portland, Maine

School Library Journal

April 1, 2014

Gr 4-6-The third installment in this series finds the League of Princes on the run, falsely accused of murdering Briar Rose. Prince Frederic, Prince Gustav, Prince Liam, and Prince Duncan (the jokester of the group), along with Cinderella, Snow White, Rapunzel, and Princess Lila devise a plan to clear their names so that they can stop the evil Lord Rundark from taking over the 13 Kingdoms. Midway through the story, the princesses form their own band of do-gooders. Chaos ensues as they and the princes spend a good portion of the narrative tripping one another up in the race to prove Briar Rose is still alive. Countless battles take place-one in each Kingdom. Enemies include giant mongoose, pirates, and bounty hunters. Surprises abound with the reappearance of past foes, including the evil witch, Zaubera. Powerful Magic Orbs are Lord Rundark's secret weapons of choice. There's really something for everyone here, although sometimes it feels as if there is just too much going on. Readers new to the series will probably find the going a bit tough at times trying to keep track of who's who. Nevertheless, Healy has a good understanding of middle-grade humor and his audience in general. With its gender-bending stereotypes and oodles of action, this addition will be welcomed by fans of the series.-Mary Beth Rassulo, Ridgefield Library, CT

Copyright 2014 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.


Starred review from March 1, 2014
The members of the League of Princes, good-hearted if only semicompetent heroes, are dubbed outlaws when accused of murder most foul! Strange things are afoot in the Thirteen Kingdoms, none stranger than the wanted posters proclaiming that the League of Princes murdered sometimes-antagonist Princess Briar Rose. The reward for their capture, literally "untold riches," sets bounty hunters after them, and Gustav, Frederic and Rapunzel are captured. In a wacky sequence of mistakes and flukes, two sets of rescuers--Duncan and Snow, and Ella and Liam--fall in and out of the bounty hunters' clutches until the princesses are trapped beyond rescue, and the brave princes run away. Their stories diverge, as the princes have swashbuckling adventures that ultimately strand them on an island. Meanwhile, the princesses spend quality time in jail alongside bread thief Val Jeanval, until their imminent executions necessitate a jailbreak. While initially portrayed as more competent than their princes, the princesses soon reveal themselves as just as hilariously dysfunctional. Throughout the heroes' and heroines' travels, the antiprince conspiracy is revealed in each kingdom--it's directly related to loose ends from The Hero's Guide to Storming the Castle (2013). Side characters make comedic final appearances, and a surprise villain team-up provides closure to the trilogy. Part screwball comedy, part sly wit and all fun. (Fantasy. 8 & up)


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