The Golden Specific

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The Mapmakers Trilogy, Book 2

سه‌گانه مپسازان، کتاب ۲

مشارکت: عنوان و توضیح کوتاه هر کتاب را ترجمه کنید این ترجمه بعد از تایید با نام شما در سایت نمایش داده خواهد شد.
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S. E. Grove


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دنباله مشتاقانه منتظر بهترین فروش کتاب داستان شیشه ای یک ماجراجویی تاریخی و فانتزی مناسب برای طرفداران فیلیپ پولمن! تابستان سال ۱۸۹۲ است، یک سال از زمانی که سوفیا تیمز و دوستش تئو به ماجراجویی خطرناکی دست زدند که نقشه جهان را بازنویسی کردند. از زمان بازگشت انها به بوستون، او به جستجو برای پیدا کردن سرنخ در مورد ناپدید شدن پدر و مادرش، جستجوی ارشیو و کتابخانه ها، و حتی گرفتن کوچکترین سرنخ. تئو خود را به اکسپلورر اموزش داده تا ان‌ها را در سراسر کشور دنبال کند اما یکی پس از دیگری ثابت می‌کند که بن بست است. سپس سوفیا متوجه میشود که یک قطعه مهم از پازل در یک عصر خارجی وجود دارد. در عین حال، تئو متوجه می‌شود که زندگی قدیمی‌اش در خارج از قانون تهدید به نابود کردن مدل جدیدی می‌کند که با سوفیا و عمویش شدرک ساخته است. چیزی که او و سوفیا نمی‌دانند این است که اکتشافات مجزایی که انها کشف کرده‌اند، به هم گره خورده‌اند، و یک شخص قابل توجه بخشی از هر دو است. شهری وجود دارد که تمام پاسخ‌ها را در خود جای داده اما نمی‌توان ان را در نقشه‌ای یافت. در میان طاعون، فقط می توان با سفر از میان تاریکی و هرج و مرج به ان رسید، که در عین حال درمان طاعون است: ویژه طلایی.

نقد و بررسی


April 1, 2015
In the second installment of the Mapmakers trilogy, Sophia Tims goes on a journey in search of her parents in a world broken apart by the Great Disruption of 1799. Sophia's parents are missing, and finding them is no simple task in this new world of "intermingled futures and pasts," in which the former United States has splintered-into New Occident, Indian Territories, and the Baldlands-Canada is now Prehistoric Snows, and large pockets of the world are simply "Unknown." Epigraphs by master cartologer Shadrack Elli open many chapters, offering geographical and political context useful to readers new to the series. Sophia leaves Boston in 1892 for the Papal States, now mostly in the 15th century, with pockets of other ages mixed in. In this world of political intrigue, Dark Ages, plague, phantom hunters, witches, and travelers from the future, it's fortunate that Sophia meets up with Errol Forsyth, phantom hunter, and the healer Goldenrod to journey together, each with a particular mission. Though this volume doesn't sustain the fresh wonderment of The Glass Sentence (2014), and the plot proceeds in fits and starts with each jump to a different Age, readers who have already read the first installment will gladly savor another journey with Sophia and marvel at the worlds they enter. Brilliantly imagined and full of wonder. (Fantasy. 10 & up)

School Library Journal

June 1, 2015

Gr 6 Up-It's a year after The Glass Sentence (Viking, 2014) and 14-year-old Sophia is not willing to put off looking for her parents any longer. A mysterious letter and a series of tantalizing clues have led her to believe what she seeks will be found across the sea in the Papal States. Journeying through the time-shattered landscapes from one Age to another brings new allies, but also new dangers-for the legendary city that Sophia must find lies at the heart of one of the darkest and malevolent Ages of all. Meanwhile, back in 1892 Boston, Sophia's Uncle Shadrack and her best friend, Theo, must fight their own battles against unscrupulous political figures and old enemies who threaten the very stability of their own Age. This delicious blend of magic, history, and science will continue to delight fans of intricate world-building and rich storytelling. There's plenty to keep readers turning pages, though the shifting perspective from chapter to chapter between three different sets of events tends to make it challenging to keep track of the particular narratives and the immediate suspense and tension sometimes suffer as a result. Similar to the first book, the level of violence and complexity of the narrative make this sequel an appropriate read for more mature tween and teen readers. This title will have most direct appeal for those who have read the first installment. VERDICT This dark teen/tween historical fantasy is a good fit for fans of Stefan Bachmann's The Peculiar (HarperCollins, 2012) and Jonathan Stroud's "Lockwood & Co." series (Disney-Hyperion).-Stephanie Whelan, New York Public Library

Copyright 2015 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.


June 1, 2015
Grades 6-9 Since Sophia Tims returned from her adventure in The Glass Sentence (2014), she has not only received a new lead about her missing parents' whereabouts but also has been visited by an ethereal vision of her mother, which speaks in enigmatic prophesies. Sophia eventually learns that a copy of her mother's diary is in Granada, and she impulsively departs for Spain, which is centuries behind Boston after the Great Disruption. With the help of a falconer and a mysterious woman imbued with healing powers, Sophia follows a strange map and increasingly cryptic messages to track down a hidden city. Meanwhile, political turmoil and the assassination of the benevolent prime minister of New Occident put Shadrack and Theo in danger. There's a lot going on in Grove's follow-up to her best-selling debut, and while the plot threads are all compelling and richly fill in details about her multitemporal world, they often feel only loosely grounded in the central premise. Patient readers, however, who relish the thought of being immersed in Grove's inventive, wholly original fantasy world should be pleased.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2015, American Library Association.)

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