Bad Kitty Takes the Test

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افزودن به بوکمارک اشتراک گذاری 0 دیدگاه کاربران 4 (1)

Bad Kitty

مشارکت: عنوان و توضیح کوتاه هر کتاب را ترجمه کنید این ترجمه بعد از تایید با نام شما در سایت نمایش داده خواهد شد.
iran گزارش تخلف

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Nick Bruel


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این کاریه که همه باید حداقل یک بار انجام بدن. کیتی هم فرقی نمی‌کند. در این نسخه جدید از سریال محبوب و پرفروش کیتی بد از نویسنده، نیک بروئل، پیشی بد. . امتحان! بر اساس رفتار بد گذشته اش، انجمن «کت پایتیچ» به این نتیجه رسیده که کیتی نه تنها یک کیتی بد است، بلکه یک گربه بد است. کیتی برای این که بتواند وضعیت گربه‌اش را تغییر دهد، باید یک امتحان درست و حسابی بدهد تا ببیند ایا شایستگی گربه بودن را دارد یا نه. اگه شکست بخوره دیگه نمیتونه گربه باشه کیتی با کمک کیتی، که مربی مدرسه گربه است، و عمو موری، که فکر می‌کند برای تجدید گواهینامه‌ی رانندگیش امده، همه چیز را درباره‌ی گربه بودن و کمی هم درباره‌ی خودش می‌اموزد.

نقد و بررسی

DOGO Books
sophiart - This is a fun book with cool illustrations. Kitty isn't acting like a cat, so she has to take a test to prove she can be a cat. She tries cheating twice and she still makes it through the test. I liked how the chicken tired to make everyone lay an egg. This is a story that makes you laugh, especially is you have a pet cat!!!


September 15, 2016
How good is Bad Kitty at actually being a cat?Bad Kitty loves birds, but when she climbs a tree to play with two of them, it ends in a disastrous fall from the treetops. She rethinks her opinion of birds. The incident triggers a letter from the Society of Cat Aptitude Management; her cat license is being revoked for a series of "shameful un-catlike embarrassments"--such as the time she "woke up suddenly and fell behind the sofa" or when she "tried to jump on the desk but landed in the plants." Not to mention that time the dog sat on her head when she was asleep. According to SCAM, Kitty must take a special class and then pass a test to get her cat license back. Kitty is not amused. The next day, she joins Chatty Kitty, an odd-looking cat named Mittens (a chicken with fake cat ears), and Uncle Murray (who thinks he's in class to renew his driver's license) for a course taught by Strange Kitty. They watch a specious video created by the test makers, TestPro, full of oddball cat facts, before the first of many pretests begins. The final test (administered by a chicken) couldn't be more surprising. Bruel's obvious anti-standardized-test agenda doesn't tarnish Bad Kitty's appeal in her 10th chapter-book appearance. Standardized-test companies may want to hurl hairballs, but the loopy humor and silly kitty cast will have fans purring with laughter. (Graphic/fiction hybrid. 7-12)


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