Nightshade City

Nightshade City
افزودن به بوکمارک اشتراک گذاری 0 دیدگاه کاربران 4 (1)

The Nightshade Chronicles

داستان‌های نایت‌شید

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Hilary Wagner


Holiday House


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در اعماق یک کلان شهر مدرن، دخمه‌ها قرار دارند، قلمرویی از موشهای عالی هوش و ذکاوت. جونیپر و گروه ماوریک موش‌های شورشی او از زمانی که کودتای خونین، دخمه‌ها را که زمانی دموکراسی صلح‌امیز بود، به دیکتاتوری بی‌رحم مبدل ساخته‌اند که توسط وزیر اعلی در ایالات متحده، کیلدیر و سرنشینش، بیلی‌کان، موش ازمایشگاهی سابق، با علاقه به قصابی‌ها اداره می‌شود. هنگامی که سه برادر جوان یتیم وینسنت و ویکتور و یک زن باهوش به نام کلوور از گوردخمه فرار می کنند و به شورشیان ملحق می شوند، ثابت می شود که جرقه ای است که این نبرد را برای سرنگونی ستمگران و ایجاد یک شهر جدید شعله ور می سازد: شهر سایه‌دار شبانه. نسخه الکترونیکی کتاب هم اکنون شامل فصل اول از قاتل سفید، کتاب دوم تواریخ نایت شید است.

نقد و بررسی

Publisher's Weekly

October 25, 2010
Wagner's debut novel is a labyrinthine saga about warring factions of rats living beneath a human city. Residents of the grim Catacombs are ruled by High Minister Killdeer, a lecherous drunkard who took control after staging a bloody coup and assassinating the beloved Trilok. Now, 11 years later, Loyalists led by a rat named Juniper are plotting to overthrow Killdeer and Billycan (his sadistic second-in-command), liberate the oppressed rats, and bring them to live in the newly constructed, idyllic Nightshade City. Aided by earthworms adept at burrowing tunnels, the Loyalists invade the Catacombs and pull off their mission in a mostly peaceful showdown. Though an abundance of details and ruminations can bog down the action, Wagner has a talent for characterization, and she fills her sprawling cast with compelling villains and heroes. The outcome feels inevitable, yet readers encounter ample bravado, humor, and pathos along the way. Billycan's mysterious disappearance, Juniper's adoption of a foundling infant rat, and a finale that intriguingly recreates the prologue leave open the door for further adventures in Nightshade. It's a door many fantasy fans will enter eagerly. Ages 9–up.


September 1, 2010

Fans of Suzanne Collins's Underland Chronicles and Brian Jacques's Redwall series will enjoy this fast-paced adventure set deep in the Catacombs, where a community of intelligent rats lives in peace and harmony. Or at least they did, until two vicious rats, Killdeer and Billycan, led a coup that turned the democratic society into a dictatorship and its citizens into mistreated and oppressed subjects. Underneath all this misery, however, there is hope. A gang of rebels is creating a new city and welcoming refugee rats into its safety. The fate of the new city rests heavily on three orphans, brothers Victor and Vincent and Clover, a young female who has been secretly educated despite Killdeer's strict rule against educating girls. Can they help the rebels overthrow the tyrants, and can they do it before poor Clover is married off to Killdeer? The themes of love, loss and loyalty resonate through the novel, and the moments of darkness and violence are ultimately overpowered by hope and redemption. A good story well-told. (Animal fantasy. 10-14)


School Library Journal

January 1, 2011

Gr 4-8-Vincent and Victor Nightshade live in the underground rat city known as the Catacombs, home to unusually long-lived and intelligent rats. Their father, Julius Nightshade, was once a leader of the city, but now the evil High Minister Killdeer and his vicious helper, Billycan, have taken control and terrorize its inhabitants, demanding food as tribute and forcing orphans to serve in their army or kitchens. When Vincent and Victor try to escape Killdeer's clutches, they meet Juniper Belancort, a friend of their father, who now leads the resistance against Killdeer. Along with Juniper's niece, Clover, they are drawn into the struggle to free the rats from Killdeer's reign and bring them to a new home, Nightshade City. The three help develop a plan for the rebel rats and their ally earthworms to tunnel into Killdeer's palace and confront him directly, leading to a variety of underground battles. Wagner has created an atmospheric and action-filled tale, and her balance of strong male and female protagonists is appealing. Fans of Erin Hunter's "Warriors" books (HarperCollins) may enjoy the animal action and touch of romance, and the authentic rat and earthworm abilities add to the strength of the story.-Beth L. Meister, Milwaukee Jewish Day School, WI

Copyright 2011 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.


September 15, 2010
Grades 5-8 Presumed dead by his enemies, Juniper is an elder in a community of rats who, since being forced from their catacomb homes, have started to build a new democratic world, Nightshade City, and are preparing to overthrow the oppressive ruling rodent regime, headed by dictator Killdeer. Switching perspective between Nightshade and Killdeers worlds, the third-person narrative unfolds a classic and predictable battle between good and evil as it explores themes of family loyalty, spirituality, freedom, unrequited love, and coming-of-age. The stock characters, including compatriot earthworms and a human boy, are easy to visualize, although a satisfying, rich picture of the underground setting never fully emerges. The rebellion is ultimately accomplished with a persuasive speech and only a modicum of violence, but there should still be enough gore throughout to satisfy those who like to see some fur fly in their fantasy. This first novel, with its cliff-hanger ending, will appeal to fans of the Redwall and Warriors series.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2010, American Library Association.)

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