Casper Tock and the Everdark Wings

کاسپر تاک و همیشه تاریک بال
افزودن به بوکمارک اشتراک گذاری 0 دیدگاه کاربران 4 (1)

The Unmapped Chronicles

تاریخچه‌های نقشه‌برداری‌نشده

مشارکت: عنوان و توضیح کوتاه هر کتاب را ترجمه کنید این ترجمه بعد از تایید با نام شما در سایت نمایش داده خواهد شد.
iran گزارش تخلف

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Abi Elphinstone




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از پرفروش‌ترین نویسنده، ابی الفستنون مجموعه‌ای جدید شگفت‌انگیز دربارهٔ چهار پادشاهی پنهان شده در دنیای ما ارائه می‌دهد! کاسپر تاک از ریسک متنفره و به ماجراجویی حساسیت داره بنابراین این به عنوان یک شوک زننده به او وارد می شود زمانی که او از ستون های یک ساعت پدربزرگ باستانی پنهان می شود و در نهایت به پیدا کردن یک دنیای کامل در ان. کاسپر کشف می‌کند که این پادشاهی اسمانی رامبلستار یکی از چهار پادشاهی نقشه‌برداری نشده است که مسئول کنترل اب و هوا در دنیای خود کاسپر هستند. علاوه بر این، کاسپر در رامبلاستار گیر کرده است، و تنها کسی که انجا است که فکر نمی کند او یک جاسوس شیطانی است یک دختر عجیب به نام بالکلی، که از قوانین متنفر است و به رفتار حساسیت دارد. تنها چیزی که کاسپر میخواد اینه که راه خونه رو پیدا کنه اما رمبل استار توی دردسر افتاده یک حربه شیطانی به نام مور گ سعی داره جادوی امپراطوری‌های نقشه‌برداری نشده رو بدزده و اگه این پادشاهی ها سقوط کنن دنیای کاسپر هم نابود میشه و به این ترتیب، همراه با بالکل و اژدهای مینیاتور‌اش، ارلو، کاسپر در یک جستجو پر از غول‌های ابر، غول‌های طوفان و شاخ و برگ‌های خشک فرو می‌رود. ایا او، به کلی، و ارلو بی‌نظیر‌ترین قهرمانان می‌تواند هر دو دنیایشان را از چنگ مور گ نجات دهد؟

نقد و بررسی


October 1, 2019
An unlikely pair in need of adventure is now responsible for saving worlds known and unknown and maybe finding a friend. Casper Tock is just your average, orderly middle schooler trying to stay safe from bullies, turn in homework, and survive the haphazard hurricanes slamming England. That is, until a bully sneaks into his turret to torment him; forced to hide in a broken grandfather clock, he finds himself in Rumblestar, being detained by Utterly Thankless, a girl known for taking risks and causing mayhem, and her dragon, Arlo. Bewildered by this kingdom in the clouds--it's responsible for creating "marvels" (the purest forms of snow, rain, and sun) that the other three unmapped kingdoms use to create weather--Casper learns that the unexplainable weather occurring through all of the Faraway is actually the doing of Morg, a nefarious harpy who wants to steal all of the unmappers' magic, and her minions. Casper, Utterly, and Arlo set out for the Beyond on the advice of Slumbergrot, a cloud giant who can't stay awake long enough to help. On their journey, Casper, who's black, finds that he's capable of bravery; Utterly, who's white, considers that it might OK to open up; and both find that friendship isn't completely terrible. The jam-packed plot, conveyed in a third-person-omniscient voice, is steadily paced, with plenty of action and just enough detail. This whimsical, humorous, richly built world sets the stage for more courageous adventures. A delightful series opener. (Fantasy. 8-12)


Publisher's Weekly

November 11, 2019
A boy is transported to the magical realms responsible for creating the Earth’s weather in this heartfelt middle grade fantasy. Casper Tock, 11, eschews the complications of friendship in favor of timetables and lists, which makes him the target of wealthy bullies at his English boarding school. While hiding inside a grandfather clock, he’s sucked through to Rumblestar, one of the four Unmapped Kingdoms that conjure “sunlight, rain, snow, and every untold wonder behind the weather.” Initially mistaken as a criminal by the perpetually grumpy Utterly Thankless, a girl with a propensity for trouble, Casper eventually teams up with her to free the Unmapped Kingdoms’ magic from Morg, a harpy bent on stealing it all for herself. As they wander the regions of Rumblestar, encountering cloud giants, drizzle hags, and more, Casper and Utterly each redefine their understanding of friendship and loyalty while overcoming their individual limitations. Elphinstone (Sky Song) populates this volume with fanciful creatures and concepts, including an overly helpful hot air balloon powered by dragon fire, but she never loses sight of her protagonists’ personal stakes or emotional journeys, resulting in a humorous adventure that resonates on multiple levels. Ages 8–12.

School Library Journal

January 1, 2020

Gr 4-7-The ultimate underdog, Casper Tock attends Little Wallops British boarding school where his parents teach. Casper faces torment from external and internal forces-his British and Tanzanian identity is not appreciated by school bullies while his anxious nature prescribes a scheduled, carefully controlled existence. Imagine his panic when he steps through his grandfather clock into the Unmapped Kingdoms, where the world's weather originates. He soon meets a girl named Utterly Thankless whose brusque manner hides her true feelings. They traverse the kingdoms trying to stop Morg the harpy's minions from stealing weather marvels. Memorable characters (including Utterly's miniature dragon Arlo, the hilariously nasty drizzle hags, and Zip, the hot air balloon with pizzazz) speed their quest along. Elphinstone has created a detailed, terminology-laden magical world, which keeps its head above water because of the narrative's whimsy as well as its grounded, sympathetic characters. Casper and Utterly are superb foils; Casper is fearful but willing to be friendly while Utterly is a daredevil but emotionally distant. Arlo acts as the charming intermediary who bridges the gaps and encourages them to collaborate. The episodic nature of the adventures gives structure to the wealth of names, regions, and powers while the individual creatures they meet range from grumpy hags to delicate sprites to taciturn ogres. Readers who wade through the magical backstory and reach Casper's chapters will not be disappointed. VERDICT This jam-packed middle grade fantasy may require a little hand-selling, but the characters' journey is extremely satisfying.-Caitlin Augusta, Stratford Library Association, CT

Copyright 2020 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.


November 15, 2019
Grades 4-7 Casper Tock is a planner. But after hiding from school bullies in a mysterious grandfather clock, he finds himself in Rumblestar, one of the Unmapped Kingdoms, and all of his plans are thrown aside. And he's stranded there?until he meets the chatty, impulsive Utterly Thankless and her miniature dragon companion. He will have to help them solve a dire mystery that has spread across the Kingdoms, but first Casper must leave his comfort zone in pursuit of adventure, magic, and justice. Elphinstone's wondrous fantasy novel will captivate readers as Casper and Utterly encounter mythical beasts?from harpies to griffins to Cloud Giants?strive for the defeat of evil imposter wizards who wish to destroy entire realms, and embark on a mission to save the Faraway (Earth) and Unmapped lands. Along the way, readers will encounter whimsical riddles to solve, a classic quest, fantastical lore, and vivid descriptions of the hapless Casper and vivacious Utterly. This first series installment is perfect for fans of Narnia in search of more portals into new worlds.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2019, American Library Association.)

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