Secret Societies

Secret Societies
افزودن به بوکمارک اشتراک گذاری 0 دیدگاه کاربران 3 (1)

Revelations About the Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis, and the Serpent Cults

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فرمت کتاب


تاریخ انتشار



Philip Gardiner


Red Wheel Weiser


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برای مطالعه توضیحات وارد حساب کاربری خود شوید

نقد و بررسی

Library Journal

June 15, 2007
Seeking to uncover the origin of secret societies and what lies behind the beliefs and rituals of many of the world's religions, Gardiner ("Gnosis: The Secret of Solomon's Temple Revealed") presents a beguiling exploration. In episodic chapters, he highlights peoples' tales, stories, and fables explaining emotional attachments and evolutionary desires. He also uses history, etymology, archaeology, mythology, symbolism, and his own experience in the area of propaganda to probe all "religious factions," whether classified as cult, occult, or mainstream. He finds, e.g., that the repackaged "New Age" religions are based upon lies and that astrology has become too generalized or commercialized to be of any real use. He salts his work liberally with commonsense explanations missed in earlier discussions of the subject. Those drawn to Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code" or Mel Gibson's film "The Passion of the Christ" will find Gardiner's ingenious theories useful. His interpretation relies on recasting known information and blending it with discovered research, though at times he takes jabs in too many directions. Library collections seeking to provide access to theories regarding secret societies can add to complement other discussions on the subject.Leroy Hommerding, Fort Myers Beach P.L. Dist., FL

Copyright 2007 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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