Book one of The Bozeman Trilogy...
Beside herself with grief, Kara Madison, recently widowed reluctantly follows her brother to his home in Bozeman, Montana. Attempting to overcome her loss, through the unconditional love and support of her brother, Dave White and his friends: Drew and Sandy Toomey, Bobbie Bekker and the Ralston family, she discovers she can move forward with life.
When an unexpected turn of events transpires, flooded with a whirlwind of emotions, Kara's spiritual awakening and journey begins. Surrounded by her caring, new friends along with a great relationship with her brother, her heart is softened toward the truth of the gospel.
Merging into a different culture and lifestyle, Kara is included in various activities with her friends: hiking, trail rides and camping. She comes to enjoy simple activities like church hay rides or skipping rocks across a pond.
The more time spent with the Ralston family at the Lazy R Ranch, most definitely with Cody Ralston, her curiosity and interest increases. Ever gracious and considerate, she enjoys his attention which gives her pause, creating confusion and questions. How long does one grieve for a loved one?
Cody is interested in the widow long before she recognizes any feelings for him, but chooses to be cautious, to see where events lead. Often reminded of the wedding band Kara continues to wear, he is acutely aware that after a decent relationship with her late husband, Jonathan Madison Jr, the bar is high. But with the Lord's help, given the legacy of his own father, he is confident he could fill the man's shoes.
When Kara renews her friendship with a long time friend, Tim Warren, the rancher is swept along by a tide of turmoil and mixed emotions. He is left to wonder if he is too late to share from his heart.
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