As soon as you file a provisional patent application (PPA) with the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office, you establish an effective filing date for
your invention – and you can use the term "patent pending" on it.
Best of all, you'll establish proof of your claim and not pay for a full
patent until you figure out whether your invention is worth the cost.
With Patent Pending in 24 Hours, you'll have all the forms and information
you need to get the job done! This book will help you:
evaluate the seven hurdles to patentability
write a plain-English provisional patent application
prepare informal drawings of your invention
conduct a basic patent search on the Internet
understand patent law principles
complete all forms required by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
file your application using U.S. Express mail
Patent Pending in 24 Hours also includes a nondisclosure agreement, patent
assignment, prototype-maker agreement and joint-ownership agreement to
help you preserve your rights when showing or selling your invention.
The 2nd edition is completely updated and revised with updated case law
and patent regulations, six new PPA samples and new patent-searching
About the Authors:
Rich Stim is a graduate of the University of San Francisco School of Law
where he studied intellectual property law. He practices law in San
Francisco, specializing in intellectual property and licensing and is an
adjunct professor at San Francisco State University. He is the author of
Music Law: How to Run Your Band's Business, License Your Invention and
Getting Permission: How to License and Clear Copyrighted Materials Online
& Off (all published by; as well as Intellectual Property:
Patents, Trademarks & Copyrights (West).
Attorney David Pressman has over 30 years of experience in the patent
profession -- as a patent attorney, a patent examiner for the U.S. Patent
Office and a university instructor. He is the foremost expert on the
patent-filing process and has charted the path for over 100,000 inventors.
His book, Patent It Yourself, is the most highly recommended guide to
patenting an invention. David is co-author, with Fred Grissom, of The
Inventor’s Notebook and, with Patent Agent Jack Lo, of How to Make
Patent Drawings Yourself.
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