If you've ever had a business deal go up in smoke -- whether it was a multibillion-dollar merger or a $10,000 fee or commission -- you'll very quickly understand why To Be or Not to Be Intimidated? has made such a dramatic impact on profit-oriented business types around the globe. As one executive observed, it makes Donald Trump's The Art of the Deal look like a nursery school primer.
No matter how successful you may be, there are times when you are subtly intimidated by others, perhaps without being consciously aware of it -- that is, until the results become visible: a sale or deal that blows up at the last minute, a fee or commission that isn't paid as promised, a loan that isn't approved, or an anticipated promotion that doesn't come through.
And the intimidator in any of these examples could be a deal-killing attorney, negative banker, petty bureaucrat, pain-in-the-neck client, unscrupulous competitor, or just an amoral character who speaks out of both sides of his mouth. Intimidators come in all shapes, all sizes, and all occupations -- and all are disrobed in To Be or Not to Be Intimidated?
It's the first book ever written specifically for the real players who play for real chips in the real business world -- those male and female warriors who put on their suit of armour every day, venture into the Businessworld Jungle, and go head to head with nasty predators whose objective is to shaft everyone in their path.
These are the warriors who realize that closing the deal is only half the battle, and that the bigger challenge is knowing how to position yourself to make certain you receive what you've been promised! This is true whether it's a corporate acquisition or a finder's fee. It's a matter of not allowing your wishes to override reality.
As Robert Ringer, legendary author of three #1 bestsellers, recalls: "Like millions of people before me, I went into one deal after another on just a handshake, believing the other party's assurances that a handshake was all that I needed -- only to have him end up beating me over the head with his other hand. My wish was that I needed only a handshake; the reality was that I needed a clear, written agreement."
In other words, Robert Ringer doesn't write about the way the world ought to be; he writes about the way the world really is. And that irritates a lot of people -- especially self-righteous, self-anointed saints who are masters at intimidating others. They would prefer that most people not understand that intimidation is a common thread that runs through every business situation and a crucial factor that decides the outcome of many of life's most important events.
Whether you're a corporate executive, small businessman or woman, broker or salesperson, independent entrepreneur, or licensed professional, if you heed the realities exposed in To Be or Not to Be Intimidated?, there will be fewer occasions where you find yourself scratching your head and trying to figure out why a deal you thought you had under control ended up falling apart at the seams.
In this day and age of shaky financial markets, global competition, and even terrorism, understanding the phenomenon of intimidation is critical to both survival and financial success. To Be or Not to Be Intimidated? is not the best book of its kind; it's the only book of its kind. Nothing even remotely close to it has ever before managed to find its way into print.
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