The Elements of Graphic Design

The Elements of Graphic Design
افزودن به بوکمارک اشتراک گذاری 0 دیدگاه کاربران 3 (1)

مشارکت: عنوان و توضیح کوتاه هر کتاب را ترجمه کنید این ترجمه بعد از تایید با نام شما در سایت نمایش داده خواهد شد.
iran گزارش تخلف

فرمت کتاب


تاریخ انتشار



Alex W. White


Allworth Press


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برای مطالعه توضیحات وارد حساب کاربری خود شوید

نقد و بررسی

Library Journal

June 15, 2011

The challenge of creating and arranging text and images just got more comprehensible with the revision of this work from veteran designer and teacher White (Thinking in Type: The Practical Philosophy of Typography). White sets out key concepts of space, unity, page architecture, and typography for the benefit of other designers, art directors, and students. The 750 illustrations include a wide selection of ads, logos, magazine covers, posters, as well as web pages, and the author reminds readers to follow human visual perception and to strive for elegance: "Successful designs describe the content fully and as simply as possible." He offers a historical perspective, including time lines and thought-provoking quotations. White shows here that graphic designers use, rather than just fill, space. Some of the illustrations could have been enlarged to further the author's points. VERDICT A clear introduction; recommended for anyone learning or reviewing graphic design.--David R. Conn, formerly with Surrey Libs., B.C.

Copyright 2011 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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