The Zoo at the Edge of the World

باغ وحش در حاشیه جهان
افزودن به بوکمارک اشتراک گذاری 0 دیدگاه کاربران 4 (1)

مشارکت: عنوان و توضیح کوتاه هر کتاب را ترجمه کنید این ترجمه بعد از تایید با نام شما در سایت نمایش داده خواهد شد.
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Julian Elfer


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مارلین اهسته یا ساکت نیست؛ انچه او می‌گوید لکنت زبان است و همین امر سبب می‌شود که متقاعد ساختن دیگران غیر ممکن باشد. چیزی که او نیز هست رکهام است: جوانترین پسر کاوشگر مشهور جهان، رولاند رکهام، مالک و مالک باغ وحش در لبه جهان است، یک مرکز تفریحی که در ان چاه از سراسر جهان می تواند اخرین قسمت از حیات وحش در جهان را در پایان قرن نوزدهم تجربه کند. برای تحت تاثیر قرار دادن یک دوک قدرتمند که برای بازدید از باغ وحش می اید، پدر مارلین به جنگل می رود و یک جگوار سیاه مرموز را به ارمغان می اورد که اکنون تنها کسی است که در اسارت است. همه از جگوار وحشت دارند، از جمله مارلین تا یک شب، که جگوار به او هدیه‌ای قدرتمند می‌دهد. به زودی مارلین خودش رو با یه انتخاب مشکل پیدا میکنه و بالاخره چیزی برای گفتن داره اگه فقط اون بتونه بفهمه که چطور باید این رو بگه

نقد و بررسی

Publisher's Weekly

October 6, 2014
In this fantasy-tinged historical novel from Gale (The Bully Book), young Marlin's legendary father, the adventurer Ronan Rackham, is also famous for his resort in British Guianaâa lavish zoo built on an ancient pyramid. The zoo boasts 87 species, feeding demonstrations, and grand gatherings (excerpts from the guest brochure appear throughout). Marlin, constantly bullied by his older brother and the resort workers, fears he'll always suffer pity and ridicule because of his stutter, which disappears when he speaks to animals. After a jaguar, which purportedly killed one of the natives employed by Marlin's father, is captured and brought to the zoo, the jaguar takes to Marlin, teaching him the gifts of healing and the language of the animals. These gifts help Marlin protect the animals as the zoo's precarious financial situation drives Ronan to commit desperate and cruel acts. Augmented by Nielson's gentle full-page illustrations, Gale's touching story addresses the importance of empathy for all living things as it examines the delicate relationship between humans and animals. Ages 8â12. Author's agent: Erica Rand Silverman, Sterling Lord Literistic.

School Library Journal

August 1, 2015

Gr 4-6-Marlin Rackham is the son of a world-renowned adventurer and explorer who leads expeditions into the wild South American jungle, bringing back exotic animals for his zoo. Marlin's profound stutter makes communicating with people difficult, but he's always been able to speak smoothly to the zoo animals. However, he never comprehends their chatter until a mysterious black jaguar bestows upon Marlin the ability to understand animal speech. Marlin's newfound power enables him to see the caged animals' side of things, and he begins to question the ethics of and motives behind his father's exploits. Narrator Julian Elfer does a phenomenal job bringing this fast-paced adventurous tale to life. He imbues each character and animal with different personalities and voices, and his pacing is perfect. VERDICT This title will complement science units focusing on people's relationship to the ecosystems around them, and it will also prompt discussions about the ethics of keeping wild animals in captivity.-Anne Bozievich, Friendship Elementary School, Glen Rock, PA

Copyright 2015 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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