Sympathy For the Devil

Sympathy For the Devil
افزودن به بوکمارک اشتراک گذاری 0 دیدگاه کاربران 3 (1)

James Hicks

مشارکت: عنوان و توضیح کوتاه هر کتاب را ترجمه کنید این ترجمه بعد از تایید با نام شما در سایت نمایش داده خواهد شد.
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تاریخ انتشار



Terrence McCauley


Polis Books


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نقد و بررسی

Publisher's Weekly

May 11, 2015
This spy thriller from McCauley (Prohibition) is hard to put down, despite some faults. A proficient veteran operative who calls himself James Hicks has headed the New York City office of the University—one of the most clandestine intelligence agencies in the world—for three years. But when one of his most trusted agents, who has been working undercover for a Somali cab outfit, seemingly betrays him and sets him up to be murdered, Hicks uncovers clues to a conspiracy that, if successful, would send the world into a panic. Although the character of Hicks is two-dimensional and the conclusion a bit predictable, the story line succeeds in large part because of the gritty and stylish narrative, the virtually nonstop action, and the cutting-edge technology Hicks uses to track down criminals. Those looking for some top-shelf adrenaline-fueled literary escapism will be rewarded. Agent: Doug Grad, Doug Grad Literary Agency.


May 15, 2015
A fast-moving noir spy thriller featuring a hard-ass protagonist who's great with a gun.James Hicks works for a secret spy organization called the University, which has positions such as Dean and Department Chair. Not the most likable of heroes, Faculty Member Hicks specializes in exploiting people's weaknesses to turn them into Assets: "Hooking a new Asset always made his day." One night in the midst of a "Snowmageddon" in New York City, he meets an Asset named Colin in Central Park and winds up in a shootout. Colin and two of the ambushers are killed, leaving a snowy scene that "would've been postcard perfect if it hadn't been for the three dead men at [Hicks'] feet." Now Hicks must learn why Colin had called the urgent meeting and who got the drop on them. The University's OMNI computer system can do almost anything, so it may be able to identify the attackers. Hicks is relentless and largely devoid of emotion except for anger. "This is bigger than you think it is, man," states a bad guy who claims other bad guys will soon rescue him from Hicks' clutches. The unfazed Hicks replies in tough-guy fashion: "Anyone shoots at me, you get it in the back. Because that's the American way." The danger is dire indeed, involving a biological threat that can infect the entire world. An experienced crime writer, the author proffers passable pulp that moves quickly and would make a good set of comic books. In this novel's one-dimensional universe, Hicks hasn't a lick more depth than absolutely necessary, and there is but a passing acknowledgment that women even exist. Not one of the genre's great yarns, but it's still a fun read for fans of classic espionage.


Library Journal

June 15, 2015

James Hicks heads the University, a below-the-radar agency with access to every conceivable kind of support for its covert operations. When an asset sets Hicks up for assassination, he sets out to discover why and uncovers a plot to release an Ebola-like virus in several U.S. sites at once: millions will die and panic will spread across the country. In a race to the finish line, Hicks works to stop this potential disaster. Hicks is an intriguing protagonist, an emotional cipher until engaged in the hunt. Then his passions burn bright. VERDICT The action is fast and furious in this hard-as-nails thriller but what sets it apart is McCauley's (Prohibition; Slow Burn) grasp of how modern spy technology finds and tracks its targets. [See Kristi Chadwick's mystery feature, "Not Your Usual Suspects," LJ 4/15/15.--Ed.]--DK

Copyright 2015 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.


July 1, 2015
In this fast-paced spy thriller, Hicks, the head of a secretive intelligence agency, is shocked to learn that one of his top operatives seems to be working for a terrorist group. To find out how this brilliant agent was coerced into aligning himself with the enemyand to save the U.S. from a catastrophic terrorist attackHicks is prepared to risk everything he has. McCauley takes a few risks of his own here. Hicks isn't your most likable fellow (when we first meet him, he's blackmailing a businessman into giving him confidential information), and the supersecret outfit he works for, called the University, which operates off the grid to influence global history, isn't exactly made up of white hats, either. Still, for espionage readers who accept that even the spies on our side play dirty, this tautly written, tightly plotted tale delivers action and suspense aplenty. Next time around, though, McCauley might think of showing the reader a little more of what makes Hicks tick.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2015, American Library Association.)

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