This Changes Everything

This Changes Everything
افزودن به بوکمارک اشتراک گذاری 0 دیدگاه کاربران 3 (1)

Occupy Wall Street and the 99% Movement

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نقد و بررسی

Publisher's Weekly

March 5, 2012
Those who have joined the Occupy Wall Street movement have learned to scrounge in order to survive as they fight the good fight. Readers may also feel as if they're receiving the bare minimum, given that this book was hastily published a mere two months after the effort began. This collectionâcomprising short pieces from blogs; a quick history of the movement; an essay on consensus-based decision-making; a brief memoir recalling disputes regarding racially-charged wording in "The Declaration of the Occupation of New York City;" a blurb on tax reform; an interview with Richard Wilkinson, a British epidemiologist who has studied the effect of economic inequality; and a supportive bit by Ralph Naderâoffers little more than a general understanding of the nascent movement. A list detailing the "10 Ways the Occupy Movement Changes Everything" takes the liberty to declare that "We have reclaimed our power," though those still occupying spaces around the world would likely argue that there's a long road ahead. To wit, the editors offer a hastily sketched map for that road, uninspiringly encouraging folks to "Show up at the occupied space near you," and "Name the meaning of this moment." Despite the editors' admirable effort to do so, the moment may yet be too young to name. Photos.

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