Love & Gelato

Love & Gelato
افزودن به بوکمارک اشتراک گذاری 0 دیدگاه کاربران 4 (1)

مشارکت: عنوان و توضیح کوتاه هر کتاب را ترجمه کنید این ترجمه بعد از تایید با نام شما در سایت نمایش داده خواهد شد.
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Jenna Evans Welch


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DOGO Books
jamspe1718 - Everyone experiences tragedy. In the book Love and Gelato By Jenna Evans Welch tragedy strikes the main character Lina when her mom is suffering from cancer and dies. Lina was living with her friend then her grandmother was talking to a guy named howard who lived in Italy and her grandmother and her mom before she died said she should go with him to Italy so she did but she wasn’t happy about it. Lina got her plane tickets and was headed to Italy, when she got to Italy she got picked up at the airport by howard and she took a long car ride to his house. When they got to a cemetery Lina was hoping he didn’t live in the cemetery and he did. Lina went to her room when they got to the house after Howard showed her around. Lina didn’t unpack she was still getting used to be living in a cemetery but she felt uncomfortable for her. Later that day Howard let her use his phone to contact friends and she called one of her friends and explained everything. Lina went to bed after she called her friend as she woke up in the morning, Howard asked her are you going for your run because they had a talk about what she likes to do and her grandmother told him. Howard told Lina there is a fence in the back of the cemetery so she went to the back of the cemetery and went through the back for her run. Lina was going up a hill and she saw a boy her age or older playing soccer and she tried to sneak away so he didn’t see her. He ended up seeing her and he introduced himself his name is lorenzo. Lorenzo asked Lina if she wanted to meet his mom and she said she would so she didn’t sound mean. Lorenzo brought Lina to his house and Lina was surprised because it was gingerbread looking house and in the inside she described looked like the inside of one. The next couple of days Lorenzo introduces Lina to most of his friends. Their was a party at one of his friends house and he brought her and she meet so many new people and even a boy named thomas. She hung out with thomas almost the whole time and then they had to go. Lorenzo was scared Howard would be mad at him if he brought her home too late but he ended up being fine with it. The next day a coworker of Howard at the cemetery gave Lina a journal her mom made while she was in Italy. It talked about what happened in Italy with her. So later on her and Lorenzo start reading a lot of it and they start to figure everything out. They went to a public computer place and they looked up the guy they think is her real dad after reading the journal and they think he is in rome and they hed there. Lorenzo drives them there on his scooter and they catch a train and they head to rome. When they get to rome they found out where he is located and they get there and they find him. He was a complete jerk to her then she runs out of where he was. She was crying and she knows everything now. Then she has a talk with Howard when she got back and let him read the journal and he tells her everything. If you like romance, tragedy, and action all in one book this is a good book for you because it has all that just spread out around the story!!.

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