Darius the Great Is Not Okay

داریوش بزرگ خوب نیست
افزودن به بوکمارک اشتراک گذاری 0 دیدگاه کاربران 4 (1)

مشارکت: عنوان و توضیح کوتاه هر کتاب را ترجمه کنید این ترجمه بعد از تایید با نام شما در سایت نمایش داده خواهد شد.
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Adib Khorram


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**داریوش فکر نمیکند که همواره مناسب باشد، در ایران یا آمریکا. مضحک و دلخراش است، این نخستین ظهور فراموش نشدنی لحن جدیدی را در جوانان معاصر معرفی میکند.** **برنده اولین جایزه ویلیام سی موریس** "از صمیم قلب، ملایم و کاملاً واقعی. اگر بتوانم برای همیشه در این کتاب زندگی می کنم." \-بکی آلبرتالی، نویسنده برنده جایزه کتاب سیمون در برابر مقصود همو ساپینز داریوش کلنر به زبان کلینگون بهتر از فارسی صحبت می کند و در مورد نشانه های اجتماعی هابیت بیشتر از نوع فارسی آن می داند. او یک ایرانی کوچک است-نیمی از طرف مادرش-و اولین سفر او به ایران زندگیش را تغییر می دهد. داریوش هنوز واقعاً در وطن جا نیفتاده است و مطمئن است که در ایران همه چیز یکسان خواهد بود. افسردگی بالینی او به درستی به مسائل کمک نمی کند و تلاش برای توضیح درمان خود برای پدربزرگ و مادربزرگش فقط کار را سخت تر می کند. سپس داریوش با سهراب، پسر همسایه آشنا می شود و همه چیز تغییر می کند. به زودی، آنها روزهای خود را با هم می گذرانند، فوتبال بازی می کنند، فالوده می خورند و ساعت ها در پشت بام مخفی مشرف به چشم انداز شهر صحبت می کنند. سهراب او را داریوش می نامد - نسخه اصلی فارسی نام او - و داریوش هرگز بیشتر از این احساس نمی کرد که اکنون داریوش معطوف به سهراب است. نخستین ظهور درخشان ادیب خرم برای هرکسی است که تا به حال احساس کرده است که همواره به اندازه کافی خوب نیست - سپس با دوستی ملاقات کرد که باعث می شود احساس آنها بسیار بهتر از خوب باشد.

نقد و بررسی

Publisher's Weekly

Starred review from June 4, 2018
First-time author Khorram’s coming-of-age novel brings to life the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of a culture steeped in tradition. After learning that her Iranian father is ailing, high school sophomore Darius’s mother decides to take the family to visit her father and relatives in Iran. Suffering from chronic depression and bullied at school in America, Darius isn’t sure how he’ll fare in a country he’s never seen. It doesn’t take him long to adjust as people welcome him with open arms, however, especially after he meets Sohrab, his grandparents’ teenaged neighbor, who invites him to play soccer and quickly becomes Darius’s first real friend ever. While the book doesn’t sugarcoat problems in the country (unjust imprisonment and an outdated view of mental illness are mentioned), it mainly stays focused on the positive—Iran’s impressive landscape and mouthwatering food, the warmth of its people—as it shows how a boy who feels like an outcast at home finds himself and true friendship overseas. Ages 12–up. Agent: Molly O’Neill, Waxman Leavell.


July 1, 2018
Darius Kellner suffers from depression, bullying by high school jocks, and a father who seems to always be disappointed in him. When Darius' grandfather becomes terminally ill, Darius, along with his parents and younger sister, travels to Iran for the first time in his life. Iranian on his mother's side and white American on his father's side, Darius never quite fits in. He's mocked for his name and nerdy interests at Chapel Hill High School in Portland, Oregon, and doesn't speak enough Farsi to communicate with his Iranian relatives either. When he arrives in Iran, learning to play the Persian card game Rook, socializing, and celebrating Nowruz with a family he had never properly met before is all overwhelming and leaves Darius wondering if he'll ever truly belong anywhere. But all that changes when Darius meets Sohrab, a Baha'i boy, in Yazd. Sohrab teaches Darius what friendship is really about: loyalty, honesty, and someone who has your back in a football (soccer) match. For the first time in a long time, Darius learns to love himself no matter what external forces attempt to squash his confidence. Khorram's debut novel is filled with insight into the lives of teens, weaving together the reality of living with mental illness while also dealing with identity and immigration politics.This tear-jerker will leave readers wanting to follow the next chapter in Darius' life. (Fiction. 12-adult)


School Library Journal

August 1, 2018

Gr 8 Up-Darius is a bullied American teenager dealing with numerous stigmas. His mom is Persian and his "Übermensch" dad is white. He is overweight. He takes medication for depression. He is a devotee of artisanal tea, Star Trek (all seasons), and Tolkien. And there is an unspoken awareness that Darius is gay. He is certain that he is a constant disappointment to his father who also takes antidepressants, which they both consider a weakness. When his family travels to Iran to see his mother's parents because his grandfather (Babou) is dying, Darius experiences shifting perceptions about the country, his extended family, and himself. Debut author Khorram presents meticulous descriptions and explanations of food, geography, religion, architecture, and English translations of Farsi for readers unfamiliar with Persian culture through characters' dialogue and Darius's observations. References to Tolkien, Star Trek, and astronomy minutiae, on the other hand, may be unclear for uninitiated readers. Despite the sometimes overly didactic message about the importance of chronic depression treatment, Darius is a well-crafted, awkward but endearing character, and his cross-cultural story will inspire reflection about identity and belonging. VERDICT A strong choice for YA shelves. Give this to fans for Adam Silvera and John Corey Whaley.-Elaine Fultz, Madison Jr. Sr. High School, Middletown, OH

Copyright 2018 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.


August 1, 2018
Grades 8-11 Darius Kellner has more than his share of teen troubles to manage: racist bullies, clinical depression, complications with his father, and feeling like a misfit. So he does not expect much when his family travels to Iran to visit his maternal grandparents. Darius is a keen observer of life and very much aware of his emotional mechanisms. He is loving, sensitive, and a connoisseur of tea: steeping, drinking, sharing with family. He views the world through analogies to Star Trek and the Lord of the Rings trilogy in ways that are sometimes endearing and other times cumbersome. The trip to Iran opens new places of tenderness as Darius connects with people, places, and history that feel simultaneously familiar and new. But most significant is his friendship with Sohrab, which is tinged with an intimacy that suggests it is something more than platonic. This is a refreshing bildungsroman and an admirable debut novel that will leave readers wanting more. Hand to readers of Sara Farizan's Tell Me Again How a Crush Should Feel? (2014) and soul-searching teens. (Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2018, American Library Association.)

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