Still a Gorilla!

هنوز یه گوریل
افزودن به بوکمارک اشتراک گذاری 0 دیدگاه کاربران 4 (1)

مشارکت: عنوان و توضیح کوتاه هر کتاب را ترجمه کنید این ترجمه بعد از تایید با نام شما در سایت نمایش داده خواهد شد.
iran گزارش تخلف

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Chad Geran


Scholastic Inc.


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ایا ویلی گونه دیگری از حیوانات خواهد بود؟ نه! هنوز یه گوریل! در این کتاب سرگرم کننده، ویلی گوریل سایر حیوانات از جمله یک شیر، یک والروس، یک بز بیلی، یک تمساح و یک کانگورو را تقلید میکند. اما وانمود کردن به چیزی که اون هیچ وقت جواب نمیده. اگه اون سعی میکرد خودش باشه چی؟ در اخر، ویلی هنوز گوریل است و این چیزی است که همه می‌توانند ان را درک کنند! هنوز یه گوریل یه کتاب تصویری خنده‌دار، مسخره‌ایه که اهمیت خودت بودن رو یاد میده

نقد و بررسی


Starred review from April 15, 2016
Why would adorable Willy want to be anything other than the gorilla he is?At the city zoo, Willy the gorilla wants to be some other animal. "Maybe a lion? / If Willy strides outside and roars with pride, will Willy be a lion? / Will he? / No. Still a gorilla!" Willy tries to become a walrus, a billy goat, an alligator, and a kangaroo...but he's always still a gorilla. But what if he tries to be all animals at the same time, mimicking every zoo-mate at once? "Will Willy be silly? / Yes! Willy will be silly. Very silly and... / STILL A GORILLA!" Norman's tongue-twister-y text is nearly as much fun to read (after some practice) as Geran's bold, bright, digital illustrations. Wide-eyed little Willy makes the lion laugh with his antics. He jams bananas in his mouth for tusks, imitating the walrus. He bumfuzzles himself head-butting the billy goat--all in a quest to be something other than he is. Toddlers will respond to the rhythmic, double-rhyming text as well as the desire to be more or different than they are. The humorous, affirmative ending (with Willy obviously happy being still a gorilla, though a silly one) is perfect.A must. (Picture book. 2-6)


School Library Journal

June 1, 2016

PreS-Gr 1-Willy, a young gorilla, longs to be something else. A lion? A billy goat? A walrus? Each time Willy tries to emulate one of his fellow zoo animals, he is disappointed to find out he is still a gorilla. This bright and vibrant story is a fun read, and children will delight in inferring what animal comes next. The graphic-style digital artwork is cheerful and engaging. This silly read-aloud explores print awareness as well as rhyme. Illustrations and font are large, which adds to the creativity of the story and allows the book to work well when shared with a group. Text is minimalistic and done in various colors. Children will love the repetition, chiming in on the refrain, "No. Still a gorilla!" VERDICT A surefire selection for a lively animal-themed storytime. A must-have.-Megan McGinnis, Sachem Public Library, Holbrook, NY

Copyright 2016 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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