Joe Venn returns in book 4 of the acclaimed crime thriller series...
When Detective Lieutenant Joe Venn of the NYPD's Division of Special Projects is called to investigate the murder of a soldier in a Manhattan hotel room, he understands why. The Division handles crimes with a political angle, and the soldier, Corporal Dale Fincher, was the son of a New York Supreme Court judge.
But the FBI are also involved in the case. And soon Venn learns the reason. Fincher's killing is the third in the last six weeks to feature the same
modus operandi. Namely, an icepick through the head. And a symbol -
Sigma - branded on the victim's forehead.
A serial killer is on the loose in New York City...
Venn teams up with the FBI in an uneasy alliance, and begins to identify a bizarre and seemingly unconnected series of details. The killer appears to be female - but is she acting alone? What if anything links the three victims so far: a subway employee, a homeless John Doe, and a soldier? And what's the meaning of the Sigma symbol burned into the dead people's faces?
A shocking attack brings the whole case closer to Venn's heart, and he finds himself racing against time not only to stay ahead of his FBI partners, but also to find - and stop - the Sigma killer before she strikes again...
By turns suspenseful and breakneck-paced,
SIGMA CURSE is the fourth novel in the acclaimed Joe Venn series, a terrifying serial-killer thriller with a twist you won' t see coming.
Praise for the Joe Venn series
***** "Awesome page turner... loved every page, every scene" - Pat Cher, Amazon reviewer.
***** "On a par with the best. ...Omega Dog has everything. Very difficult to put down as all outstanding works of action fiction should be." - Fderrickclr, Amazon reviewer
*****"Starts off at a humdinger of a pace and doesn't let go. Buzzing with action ... a ripping read." - Somnus, Amazon reviewer
***** "A Reacher rival" - jquest922, Amazon reviewer
***** "Great, heart-pounding read! ...Totally engaging, thrill-ride books!" - LaurieQ, Amazon reviewer
***** “Awesome! One of the best books I have ever read.” - Guy Johnson, Amazon reviewer
***** "Just gets better and better" - Bill Swann, Amazon reviewer
***** "[T]his book will grab you and not let go!" - Car Guy, Amazon reviewer
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