The underlying philosophy of Contemporary Maternal-Newborn Nursing Care continues to focus on the belief that pregnancy and childbirth are normal life processes and that family members are co-participants in care. In the new Fifth Edition, the authors remain committed to providing a text that is accurate and readable, a text that helps students develop the skills and abilities they need now and in the future in an ever-changing health care environment.
New and Helpful Learning Tools
Chapter Opening Vignettes offer from-the-heart commentary by nurses in a variety of maternal and women's health roles, illustrating not only the diversity of career options available, but also the deep satisfaction enjoyed by these practitioners. The new Fifth Edition introduces readers to the concept of
Evidence-Based Practice in Chapter One, and provides detailed examples related to maternal-newborn nursing throughout the text.
Community-based Nursing Care icons throughout the text identify specific aspects of maternal-newborn nursing care that occur in community or home settings.
Assessment Guides incorporate physical assessment and normal findings, alterations and possible causes, as well as nursing interventions. Detailed
Teaching Guides help readers successfully plan and organize patient instruction sessions and include suggestions for what to teach, how to teach it, and expected outcomes.
Critical Thinking in Practice boxes provide brief scenarios, while suggested answers in the appendix offer immediate feedback on decision-making skills. ComprehensiveTechnology and Supplement Package NEW-A corresponding
Student CD-ROM packaged free with each text offers NCLEX-style multiple-choice questions, as well as an audio glossary. NEW-
Companion Website and
Syllabus Manaqer A text-specific, interactive review includes modules for objectives, outlines, audio glossary, case studies, NCLEX review questions, video clips, animations, and much more. Faculty will find the online Syllabus Manager useful for putting basic course information online and creating online assignments. NEW-
Onine Course Management Systems. Ask your Prentice Hall Representative for more information about the
Blackboard, CourseCompass, and
WebCT courses that accompany Contemporary Maternal-Newborn Nursing Care, Fifth Edition. Other supplements include:
– Student Workbook
– Instructor's Resource Manual
– Instructor's Resource CD-ROM
– Clinical Handbook
– Test Manual
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